现有一链表的头指针 ListNode* pHead,给一定值x,编写一段代码将所有小于x的结点排在其余结点之前,且不能改变原来的数据顺序,返回重新排列后的链表的头指针。
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { // write code here if (head == null) { return null; } ListNode cur = head; ListNode bigHead = null; ListNode bigLast = null; ListNode smallHead = null; ListNode smallLast = null; while (cur != null) { if (cur.val < x) { if (smallHead == null) { smallHead = cur; smallLast = cur; } else { smallLast.next = cur; smallLast = smallLast.next; } } else { if (bigHead == null) { bigHead = cur; bigLast = cur; } else { bigLast.next = cur; bigLast = bigLast.next; } } cur = cur.next; } //1、如果前半段没有数据,就直接返回后半段 if (smallHead == null) { return bigHead; } smallLast.next = bigHead; //2、如果后半段不为空,就将最后一个节点的next置为null if (bigHead != null) { bigLast.next = null; } return smallHead; } }
public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { if (head == null || head.next == null) { return head; } ListNode cur = head; ListNode bs = null; ListNode be = null; ListNode as = null; ListNode ae = null; while (cur != null) { if (cur.val < x) { if (bs == null) { bs = cur; be = cur; } else { be.next = cur; be = be.next; } } else { if (as == null) { as = cur; ae = cur; }else { ae.next = cur; ae = ae.next; } } cur = cur.next; } if (bs == null) { return as; } be.next = as; if (as != null) { ae.next = null; } return bs; }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here ListNode bs = null; ListNode be = null; ListNode as = null; ListNode ae = null; ListNode cur = pHead; //分成两部分,两部分各自连接好了 while (cur != null) { if (cur.val < x) { if (bs == null) { //是第一个元素的情况 bs = cur; be = cur; } else { be.next = cur; be = cur; } } else { if (as == null) { //是第一个元素的情况 as = cur; ae = cur; } else { ae.next = cur; ae = cur; } } cur = cur.next; } //把这两部分连接起来 //还要考虑这两部分中 有一方不存在或者都不存在的情况 if (bs == null) { return as; } be.next = as;//连接起来的操作 //注意尾巴 if(as != null) { ae.next = null; } return bs; } }
import java.util.*; /* public class ListNode { int val; ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; } }*/ public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here if (pHead == null) { return null; } ListNode cur = pHead; ListNode bs = null; ListNode be = null; ListNode as = null; ListNode ae = null; while (cur != null) { if (cur.val < x) { if (bs == null) { bs = cur; be = cur; } else { be.next = cur; be = be.next; } } else { if (as == null) { as = cur; ae = cur; } else { ae.next = cur; ae = ae.next; } } cur = cur.next; } //1、bs == null if (bs == null) { return as; } be.next = as; if (as != null) { ae.next = null; } return bs; } }
import java.util.*; /* public class ListNode { int val; ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; } }*/ public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here if (pHead == null || pHead.next == null) return pHead; ListNode bH = null; ListNode bT = null; ListNode aH = null; ListNode aT = null; ListNode cur = pHead; ListNode next = null; while (cur != null) { next = cur.next; cur.next = null; if (cur.val < x) { if (bH == null) { bH = cur; bT = cur; } else { bT.next = cur; bT = bT.next; } } else { if (aH == null) { aH = cur; aT = cur; } else { aT.next = cur; aT = aT.next; } } cur = next; } //有小于x的节点 if (bT != null) { bT.next = aH; } return bH != null ? bH : aH; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { if(pHead == null || pHead.next == null){return pHead;}; ListNode newHead = new ListNode(-1); newHead.next = pHead; ListNode cur = pHead; ListNode p = newHead; ListNode slow = newHead; while(pHead != null && pHead.val < x ){ //处理头节点就是小于x的情况 pHead = pHead.next; //让最后一个小于x的充作newHead cur = cur.next; slow = slow.next; p = p.next; } while(cur != null){ if(cur.val >= x){ cur = cur.next; slow = slow.next; }else{ slow.next = cur.next; cur.next = pHead; p.next = cur; p = cur; cur = slow.next; } } return newHead.next; } }
import java.util.*; /* public class ListNode { int val; ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; } }*/ /** 思路:首先将整个链表分为2段,第一段的话采用两个引用变量(beforestart,beforeend) 第二段采用两个引用变量(afterstart,afterend) 之所以采用be和ae是因为题目要求要保证原来的数据顺序不能改变, 所以就要使用尾插法,而尾插法就要找到尾巴的位置,用be和ae去保存. 如果没有这两个变量,那么要想找到尾巴还需要再遍历链表,遍历链表就需要时间。 */ public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here ListNode bs = null; ListNode be = null; ListNode as = null; ListNode ae = null; ListNode cur = pHead; //遍历整个链表,找到比x小的放到第一段,>=x的放到第二段. //当 cur == null的时候,链表遍历完成.(cur != null的时候说明链表还没遍历完) while(cur!=null){ if(cur.val <x){ //第一次插入节点 if(bs == null){ bs = cur; be = cur; } //不是第一次插入节点 else { be.next = cur; be = be.next; } } else { if(as == null){ as = cur; ae = cur; } else { ae.next = cur; ae = ae.next; } } cur = cur.next; } //while循环走完说明链表遍历完成 //要进行判断,如果第一段或者第二段是没有数据的,可能会造成空指针异常 if(bs == null){ return as; } if(as != null){ ae.next = null;//如果原链表最后一个元素是小于x的,那么其next就不为null了,那么第二段的最后一个元素的next就需要手动置空,否则会造成死循环,堆溢出,系统找不到链表的尾巴了。 } be.next = as; return bs; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { if(pHead == null) { return null; } ListNode pos = pHead;//用于遍历 ListNode fhead = null;//前半的头 ListNode fcur = null;//前半的连接点 ListNode bhead = null;//后半的头 ListNode bcur = null;//后半的连接点 while(pos != null) { if(pos.val < x) { //第一次插入 - 保持头不动 if(fhead == null) { fhead = pos; fcur = pos;//这里要与fhead关联上 }//不是第一次插入 else { fcur.next = pos; fcur = fcur.next; } }//同上 else { if(bhead == null) { bhead = pos; bcur = pos; } else { bcur.next = pos; bcur = bcur.next; } } pos = pos.next; } //如果全是大于 x 的 if(fhead == null && bhead != null) { bcur.next = null; return bhead; } //如果全是小于 x 的 else if(fhead != null && bhead == null) { //手动制空 fcur = null; }//正常情况 else { fcur.next = bhead; bcur.next = null; } return fhead; } }
import java.util.*; /* public class ListNode { int val; ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; } }*/ public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { // write code here if(head == null) { return null; } if(head.next == null) { return head; } //定义两个区间段,把比x小的放在bs~be之间,比x大的放在as~ae之间 ListNode bs = null; ListNode be = null; ListNode as = null; ListNode ae = null; ListNode cur = head; while(cur != null) { if(cur.val < x) { //是不是第一次插入 //默认as ae都是在区间最前面的,然后我们选择让ae动,来标识前半段最后面的节点 if(bs == null) { bs = cur; be = cur; } else { be.next = cur; be = be.next; } } else { //同上 if(as == null) { //第一次插入 as = cur; ae = cur; } else { ae.next = cur; ae = ae.next; } } cur = cur.next; } //如果第一个区间段到最后也没数据,直接返回第二个区间段 if(bs == null) { return as; } be.next = as;//把他们俩连接在一起 if(as != null) { ae.next = null; } return bs; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here ListNode bs=null; ListNode be=null; ListNode as=null; ListNode ae=null; ListNode cur=pHead; while(cur!=null){ if(cur.val<x){ if(bs==null){ bs=cur; be=cur; }else{ be.next=cur; be=cur; } }else{ if(as==null){ as=cur; ae=cur; }else{ ae.next=cur; ae=cur; } } cur=cur.next; } if(bs==null){ return as; } be.next=as; if(as!=null){ ae.next=null; } return bs; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { //1. 创建五个指针 //创建两个傀儡节点 newhead1 和 newhead2 //再创建这两个傀儡节点的替身,cur1,和 cur2 //创建一个指针 sign 用来遍历原来的链表 ListNode newhead1 = new ListNode(-1); ListNode newhead2 = new ListNode(-2); ListNode cur1 = newhead1; ListNode cur2 = newhead2; ListNode sign = head; //2. 进行区间划分 //比 x 值小的放在前一个区间比 x 值大的放在后一个区间 while(sign != null){ if(sign.val < x){ cur1.next = sign; cur1 = cur1.next; sign = sign.next; }else{ cur2.next = sign; cur2 = cur2.next; sign = sign.next; } } //3. 傀儡节点失效,重新定义两个区间的头结点 newhead1 = newhead1.next; newhead2 = newhead2.next; //4. 连接两个区间 cur1.next = newhead2; //5. 考虑特殊情况 if(newhead2 != null){ cur2.next = null; } if(newhead1 == null ){ return newhead2; } return newhead1; } }
import java.util.*; public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { ListNode bs=null; ListNode be=null; ListNode as=null; ListNode ae=null; while(head!=null){ if(head.val<x){ if(bs==null){ bs=head; be=head; }else{ be.next=head; be=be.next; } head=head.next; }else{ if(as==null){ as=head; ae=head; }else{ ae.next=head; ae=ae.next; } head=head.next; } } if(bs==null){ return as; } if(as!=null){ ae.next=null; } be.next=as; return bs; } }
import java.util.*; class ListNode { int val; ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; } } public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here //思路:新建两个链表 ListNode less=null; ListNode more=null; ListNode moreHead=null; ListNode lessHead=null; while (pHead!=null) { if(pHead.val<x) {if(less==null) { lessHead = new ListNode(pHead.val); less=lessHead; } else { less.next = new ListNode(pHead.val); less = less.next; } } else {if(more==null) { moreHead= new ListNode(pHead.val); more=moreHead; } else {more.next=new ListNode(pHead.val); more=more.next; }} pHead=pHead.next; } if(less==null) {return moreHead;} less.next=moreHead; return lessHead; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { // write code here if(pHead == null || pHead.next == null) return pHead; ListNode newHead = new ListNode(0); ListNode flagHead = new ListNode(0); ListNode newh = newHead; ListNode flagh = flagHead; while(pHead != null){ if(pHead.val < x){ newh.next = new ListNode(pHead.val); newh = newh.next; }else{ flagh.next = new ListNode(pHead.val); flagh = flagh.next; } pHead = pHead.next; } newh.next = flagHead.next; return newHead.next; } }
public class Partition { public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) { ListNode left , right ,lTop , rTop; // 栈顶与栈底的定义 left = right = lTop = rTop = null; while (pHead != null) { if (pHead.val < x) { if (lTop == null) left = lTop = pHead; else left = left.next = pHead; // 小的入栈 } else { if (rTop == null) right = rTop = pHead; else right = right.next = pHead; // 大的入栈 } pHead = pHead.next; } if (right != null) right.next = null;// 防止成环 if (left != lTop) left.next = rTop; // 小的和大的连接 return left != lTop ? lTop : rTop; } }
public class Partition {
public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) {
// write code here
if(pHead == null || pHead.next == null){
return pHead;
ListNode pCur = pHead;
ListNode lHead = new ListNode(-1);
ListNode hHead = new ListNode(-1);
ListNode lCur = lHead;
ListNode hCur = hHead;
while(pCur != null){
if(pCur.val < x){
lCur.next = new ListNode(pCur.val);
lCur = lCur.next;
hCur.next = new ListNode(pCur.val);
hCur = hCur.next;
pCur = pCur.next;
lCur = lHead;
while(lCur.next != null && lHead.next != null){
lCur = lCur.next;
if(hHead.next != null){
lCur.next = hHead.next;
return lHead.next;