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1. 负责植物发育、植物与环境互作、代谢方向的时空多组学项目,参与项目设计、生物学解读、文章撰写及发表。
2. 运用生物信息学工具进行单细胞和空间多组学数据分析,处理基因组、转录组、表观基因组等测序数据,提炼并解析科学问题。
3. 准备用于发表的手稿,包括最终分析、结果和讨论部分。
4. 熟悉多种分子生物学、遗传学、细胞生物学或代谢组学实验技术。
5. 能独立使用英文进行文章撰写及学术交流,善于沟通,与团队成员及合作方保持良好合作关系。

1. Lead spatiotemporal omics projects focused on plant development, plant-environment interactions, and metabolism, participating in project design, biological interpretation, manuscript writing, and publication.
2. Using bioinformatics tools to perform single-cell and/or spacial transcriptomic data analysis, sequencing data also includes genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and other data;
3. Prepare manuscripts for publication, including final analysis, results, and discussion sections.
4. Be familiar with various molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, or metabolomics experimental techniques.
5. Independently write articles and conduct academic exchanges in English, communicate effectively, and maintain good collaborative relationships with team members and partners.

1. 具有生物学、植物相关学科、生物信息学、统计学、工程学、计算机科学等相关专业的博士学位。
2. 具备出色的学科知识储备和学术能力,作为主要作者在植物领域发表过重要影响力的论文,至少有一篇以第一作者或共同第一作者发表在高水平学术期刊上的论文。
3. 在以下领域之一具有丰富的测序数据分析解读经验:bulk RNA-Seq、单细胞 RNA/ATAC 测序、ATAC-Seq、small RNA-Seq、ChIP-Seq、全基因组测序、Hi-C 等。
4. 具有独立英文写作及文章撰写能力,良好的英语书面和口语沟通能力。
5. 熟悉组学数据的生物学解读,有组学研究或生物信息分析背景者优先,有植物单细胞和/或空间测序数据研究经验者优先,有统计学背景或云计算经验者优先。
6. 具有较强的责任心和团队合作精神,善于进行项目规划和沟通。

1. Ph.D. in Biology, Plant Sciences, Bioinformatics, Statistics, Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields.
2. Strong academic background with significant publications in the plant field, including at least one high-impact paper as the first or co-first author.
3. Extensive experience in sequencing data analysis (e.g., bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA/ATAC-Seq, ATAC-Seq, small RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, whole-genome sequencing, Hi-C).
4. Proficient in English writing and communication, capable of independent article writing and publication.
5. Familiar with omics data interpretation; preference for candidates with plant single-cell/spatial sequencing experience, statistical background, or cloud computing skills.
6. Strong responsibility, teamwork, project planning, and communication skills.
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