Battery Testing

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Brief description of the position/Range of responsibility:

  • Development of HV-Battery for MEB31, PPE41 and SSP China Project.

Key tasks:

  • Responsible for validation including test specification, test performing and test analysis and verification of high voltage batteries.
  • Responsible for project specific evaluation and compliance check according to Chinese and Global standards & regulations.
  • Responsible for problem investigation, reporting & resolution under requested milestone and program timing.
  • Responsible for interface towards external partners (VW Group brands’ development, production, quality departments, etc., Joint Ventures, Suppliers)
  • sponsible for software and hardware relevant release approach, documentation, problem solving, clarification and release approval.
  • Performing individual task-related duties in accordance with the knowledge and experience of the position holder.
  • Advising other people holding positions at VCIC, its subsidiaries/associate companies, or cooperating organizations upon request and in consultation with the appropriate people responsible.

Qualification and skills:

  • MS degree in Mechanical Engineering in automotive fields
  • Professional experience in Mechanical parts development
  • Skilled in mechanical parts approval processes in automotive industry
  • Knowledge in Vector, CAN/Flexray, bus systems
  • Aware of GB standards and ISO/IEC standards related to HVB
  • Strong problem solving abilities in complex environment
  • Able to communicate effective on department levels - from shopfloor to department management
  • English: Fluent English is must 




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