Cooling Component Development 冷却系统零件开发工程师


Brief description of the position/Range of responsibility:
- This position assumes full responsibility for cooling system components (such as integrated cooling modules, front modules etc.) within VCTC as the component FOP (Father of parts) and reports to the EAF1 (Thermal management & cooling). Responsible for the design and release of cooling system components in accordance with technical requirements and VW process requirements.
Key tasks:
- Responsible for cooling system components (integrated cooling module& radiator etc.) design and release, including technical requirements (LAH), 3D &CAD data, Design Validation& Plan, and project milestones release (P/B/BMG/K) etc.
- Responsible for cooling integrated module and radiator definition, includes geometry, material, function, performance etc.
- Responsible for all development relevant tasks, like material testing, component level testing, supplier in house simulation& testing, vehicle road testing
- Technical release responsibility for project milestones release(P/B/BMG/K) according to project timing and technical requirements
- Component CAD data generation and release, GD&T study, material requirement, component DMU check, component DFM feasibility study, bill of material(BOM) creation
- PDM (production assembly sheet) creation, coordination and updating etc.
- Issue solving: testing issues, production problems, after-sales complaints, engineering failure mode identification etc.
- Potential supplier evaluation, during sourcing stage, evaluate supplier capabilities, technical concept and development time plan. Onsite audit, generate TE rating before nomination
- Support the supplier nomination process for technical part
- Change management (Aeko, AeA, AWE), generate change requests and track status as per project timing
- Evaluate and implement changes trigged by design, production, quality, supplier etc.
- Competitor analysis for cooling system components, in regards of material, functionality, standards, weight, vehicle performance, material cost analysis.
- Cooperation with internal and external partners for the activities above
- Performing individual task-related duties in accordance with the knowledge and experience of the position holder.
- Advising other people holding positions at VCIC, its subsidiaries/associate companies, or cooperating organizations upon request and in consultation with the appropriate people responsible.
Qualification and skills:
- Bachelor’s degree or above, major in mechatronics, power and energy engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering or other related fields
- Internship experience is preferred.
- Basic knowledge of automotive development processes and procedures
- Basic knowledge of cooling system, its components and its specification/drawings; familiar with CAD tools like CATIA and Creo.
- Basic knowledge of cooling system topology and components (especially integrated modules, radiator).
- Fluent English communication skills and German language is preferred.
- Good communication skills and team spirit.
- Familiar with agile working methods and Jira-System.