Axle Testing

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Brief description of the position/Range of responsibility:

  • Based on technical requirements, making sure to accomplish the chassis tests regarding stiffness/fasten technology/acoustics/ thermol-management for the VW car brand in time, involved in test resources planning, test executing, test results evaluation and test problems resolving.

Key tasks:

  • Plan and implementation of chassis testing according to test standards, data and results analysis, the main task is dynamics testing on vehicle regarding with stiffness/fasten technology/acoustics/ thermol-management etc..
  • Support the optimization measures of problems in the process of development and after-sales regarding with chassis stiffness/fasten technology/acoustics/ thermol-management issues.
  • support the AWS, Job split negotiation regarding chassis testing.
  • Test resource regarding test carrier/components/measurement technology preparation, confirmation of test status and test process. Support and accomplish the chassis test plan, resources coordination and preparation.
  • Clarification of chassis test requirements in development and localization of chassis sub-system/component.
  • Completion of test capability building up and certification.
  • Ensuring compliance with internal guidelines and compliance with legal requirements.
  • Leveraging test service provider’s knowhow for future development; Provide technical guidance in most urgent needed areas for test service provider.
  • Support of assessment the technical competence of the development/service partner.
  • Supporting and cooperating with other business areas on technical issues in the area of chassis testing.
  • Performing individual task-related duties in accordance with the knowledge and experience of the position holder.

Qualification and skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree or above, majored in automotive engineering, mechanical engineering or industrial engineering other related fields. Double First class is preferred.
  • Internship or working experience in mainstream automobile company or supplier company is preferred.
  • Familiar with chassis structure and theory
  • Good driving skill or strong motivation for driving test is recommended
  • Fluent English communication skills and German communication skills is preferred
  • With good communication skills and team spirit.
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