
前端 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:5天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责 What you will do • 根据工作安排高效、高质地完成代码编写,确保符合规范的前端代码规范 • 负责公司现有项目和新项目的前端修改调试和开发工作 • 与后端开发团队紧密配合,确保代码有效对接,优化网站前端性能 • 页面通过标准校验,兼容各主流浏览器 • Complete code writing efficiently, with standard and high quality according to work arrangements • Responsible for the front-end modification, debugging and development of the companys existing projects and new projects • Work closely with the back-end development team to ensure effective code docking and optimize the front-end performance of the website
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历 • 精通 React / Vue / Angular 其中至少一种 • 熟知W3C标准,熟练掌握HTML、CSS、JavaScript(含HTML5、CSS3) • 至少了解一种后端语言,例如:NodeJS、PHP、Go、Java等 • 熟悉前端开源生态,阅读过常见框架、类库的源码,理解底层实现原理 • 对新技术钻研有强烈兴趣,良好的学习、沟通协调及实施能力 • 实习时长4个月及以上,一周工作5天 • Bachelor’s degree or above in computer science or related field • Good English communicator with CET6 • Proficient in React/Vue/Angular, at least one of them • Familiar with W3C standards, proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (including HTML5, CSS3) • Know at least one back-end language, such as NodeJS, PHP, Go, Java, etc. • Familiar with the front-end open-sourced ecology, read the source code of common frameworks and class libraries, understand the underlying implementation principle • Have a strong interest in new technology, good learning and communication and implementation skills • Be able to work 5 days a week for at least 4 months
运营 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责What you will do • 收集与整理市场、项目等相关信息、协助推广文案的翻译和撰写; • 同步市场推广文案至各海内外自媒体平台和社区平台 • 其他市场线上线下的活动支持 • Marketing and Project information collection, assisting in the translation and drafting of marketing manuscripts • Synchronize marketing manuscripts to domestic/overseas self-media platforms and community platforms • Other implementation of online and offline events.
岗位要求 Your skills and experience • 优秀的中英文沟通和写作能力; • 全面的项目管理,分析,社交媒体等技能; • 传播,市场营销,广告,新闻,翻译或其他相关领域的文学学士/文学硕士; • 有设计和视频制作能力或了解区块链者优先考虑; • 每周工作4天,至少4个月。 • Excellent English and Chinese communication and writing skills; • Comprehensive skillset in project management, analytics, social media and etc; • BA/MA in communication, marketing, advertisement, journalism, translation or other related fields; • Experience in designing and video production or understanding of blockchain is preferred; • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months. 更多职位信息请见:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mFeKhoilQYBCDE4TT0ngBg
数据 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

职位描述 • 通过现有的或者潜在的资源接触或支持优质的区块链项目,挖掘和发展更多对于生态有帮助的项目机会 • 项目和***分析,及时与项目团队沟通,为项目发展提供帮助 • 关注行业信息及行业内机构,参与行业活动 What you will do • Discover and develop more projects that would be valuable for NEO ecosystem through touching base existing or potential resources or supporting good-quality blockchain projects • Review and analyze projects and whitepapers following by communication cross teams and support for projects’ development • Maintain awareness and knowledge of industry-related developments and take part in industry activities
岗位技能要求 • 985,211院校本科及以上学历 • 有项目分析,英文社区运营的经验者优先考虑 • 良好的沟通能力可以顺畅的用技术语言和圈内外人士合作沟通 • 团队合作精神并有独立工作能力 • 跨文化,跨区域,跨行业的沟通与工作能力,与多元化团队协作 • 了解及热爱区块链行业,愿意从事及发展 • 实习时长满足3个月及以上,一周可工作4天 • 英语大学6级以上 • 实习期满表现优异者可留用 • 工资每天200元起 Your skills and experience • Bachelor degree or above from China 985, 211 universities • Working experience on project analysis or English community operations is preferred • Excellent communication skills with both blockchain and non-blockchain languages • A good team player with independent thinking capability • Ability to work with peers and partners from diversified background, e.g. different culture, regions and industries • Have a certain understanding of blockchain, and willing to engage in the industry and develop it • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 3 months • CET 6 or above • You will be offered a full-time position if standing out from the team. • Salary: 200 RMB or above per day 三、 职位诱惑 #实习保险# 、#办公环境好#、 #优秀的团队#、 #学习空间大#、#行业大牛分享会#、#不限量零食热饮# 四、关于我们 分布科技Onchain是一家世界领先的区块链技术公司,致力于提供一流区块链底层技术及行业应用产品。公司成立于2016年,在区块链技术、金融科技创新、行业解决方案等方面有着深厚的技术积累。 公司至今已在上海、北京、南京、新加坡、西雅图、柏林设有办公室,全球近200位员工,已获得来自复星、红杉等机构的投资,并连续4年获得KPMG评选的中国金融科技50强。 我们渴望更多的优秀人才与我们一起改变世界。如果你正在寻找新的挑战,快来加入我们 更多职位信息请见:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mFeKhoilQYBCDE4TT0ngBg
运营 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:没有

岗位职责 What you will do • 负责科技、新闻、活动类传播稿件翻译、撰写、排版及发布; • 监测企业舆情动向、行业走势,输出相关总结报告 • 协助执行市场线上线下的活动支持 • Responsible for the translation, drafting, layout and release of marketing manuscripts include but not limit to technology, news, and events; • Monitor and analysis the company news and industry trends, and output related summary reports; • Assist in the implementation of online and offline events.
岗位要求 Your skills and experience • 优秀的中英文沟通和写作能力; • 全面的项目管理,分析,社交媒体等技能; • 传播,市场营销,广告,新闻,翻译或其他相关领域的文学学士/文学硕士; • 有公众号运营或了解区块链者优先考虑; • 有摄影、剪辑技能者优先考虑 • 每周工作4天,至少4个月。 • Excellent English and Chinese communication and writing skills; • Comprehensive skills in project management, analytics, social media and etc; • BA/MA in communication, marketing, advertisement, journalism, translation or other related fields; • Experience in official account operation or understanding of blockchain is preferred; • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months.
数据 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

1. 对全球热门区块链项目进行信息收集、分析和逻辑梳理; 2. 研究区块链行业的细分赛道; 3. 基于已有技术板块探索新商业模式; 4. 撰写项目分析报告、行业研究报告,并定期汇报(中文及英文);
1.全日制985,211院校本科或以上,理科、工科、商科背景优先; 2.对区块链有强烈兴趣,有区块链技术理论基础优先; 3.优秀的中英文阅读写作能力; 4.优秀的学习能力、沟通协调能力,能够独立解决和分析问题,懂得团队合作; 5.一周实习四天或以上,优异者有留用机会。 职位诱惑 Benefit #实习保险# 、#办公环境好#、 #优秀的团队#、 #学习空间大#、#行业大牛分享会#、#不限量零食热饮#、#丰富的办公室活动# 公司介绍 About us 分布科技Onchain是一家世界领先的区块链技术公司,致力于提供一流区块链底层技术及行业应用产品。公司成立于2016年,在区块链技术、金融科技创新、行业解决方案等方面有着深厚的技术积累。 公司至今已在上海、北京、南京、新加坡、西雅图、柏林设有办公室,全球近200位员工,已获得来自复星、红杉等机构的投资,并连续4年获得KPMG评选的中国金融科技50强。 我们渴望更多的优秀人才与我们一起改变世界。如果你正在寻找新的挑战,快来加入我们。 更多职位信息请见:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mFeKhoilQYBCDE4TT0ngBg
运营 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:3天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

一、岗位职责: 1. 协助部门开展App产品运营、活动运营、社群运营、数据后台运营及数据统计分析; 2. 负责管理和维护区块链产品的用户社群,通过运营活动和内容输出与用户互动,解决用户的问题,引导和建立良好的社群生态; 3. 与海外社群管理员交流,协助解决海外社群问题,收集反馈海外社群建议; 4. 收集分析用户遇到的问题,并根据情况整理成文档、反馈给产品与技术进行优化,不断优化运营流程; 5. 收集、清洗、统计、分析App产品运营过程中的各类数据,并为产品优化提出建议; 6. 行业调研、竞品调研与相关金融产品调研,并总结梳理要点;
1. 本科及以上学历在读,能用英语读写; 2. 每周至少可以工作3天,时间固定且尽量避免请假; 3. 学习能力强,思维活跃,擅于发现问题并独立解决,积极乐观,责任心强; 4. 良好的沟通能力,能够快速推动项目,有良好的团队合作精神; 5. 对区块链领域有较强兴趣,有过区块链行业经验者优先; 6. 有金融产品运营、互联网运营、社区运营、活动运营、数据分析经验者优先;
运营 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责 What you will do • 负责科技、新闻、活动类传播稿件翻译、撰写、排版及发布; • 海内外社交媒体的管理和运营, 如Facebook、微博、微信、Twitter • 参与国内社群的运营与增长,通过运营活动和内容输出与用户互动,解决用户的问题,引导和建立良好的社群生态 • 其他市场线上线下的活动支持 • Responsible for the translation, drafting, layout and release of marketing manuscripts include but not limit to technology, news, and events • Manage and operate Weibo, WeChat, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms • Participate in community growth, establish a good community ecology through operational activities and content output • Other implementation of online and offline events
岗位要求 Your skills and experience • 优秀的中英文写作能力; • 传播,市场营销,广告,新闻,翻译或其他相关领域的文学学士/硕士; • 有社交媒体管理、公众号运营或社群运营者优先考虑; • 对新兴科技行业有好奇心 • 自我驱动,能够承受一定的工作挑战性 • 每周工作4天,至少4个月。 • 实习期表现优异者可留用 • Excellent English and Chinese communication and writing skills • BA/MA in communication, marketing, advertisement, journalism, translation or other related fields • Experience in social media operations, official account operation or community operation is preferred • Curiosity for the technology & science industry • Self-motivation and willing to take challenges • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months • You will be offered a full-time position if standing out from the team
测试 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

职位描述 What you will do • 分析产品需求,制定测试计划和测试流程 • 评估项目风险并积极和团队沟通反馈 • 执行具体测试计划和任务 • 准确地定位并跟踪问题,协同开发工程师及时解决问题 • 完成测试报告以及测试结果分析 • Analyze product requirements for designing quality assurance and test plan and process • Detect the risk of on-going project and communicate the feedback with the team • Execute complete testing plans and tasks • Help troubleshoot issues and collaborate with developers to solve problems • Delivery test reports and test results’ analysis
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历 • 掌握测试理论及技术 • 精通接口测试的各种工具 • 有一定的编程能力,至少熟悉一种语言,如Java、Python、C#等 • 具有较强的分析能力且能有效解决问题 • 良好的沟通表达能力、学习领悟能力、职业素养与团队合作意识 • 对区块链行业充满热情 • 实习时长满足4个月及以上,一周可工作4天 • Bachelor’s degree or above in computer science or related field • Solid knowledge of testing methodology and technical skills • Have good command of various test tools • Able to proficiently code in any one of the programming languages, e.g. Java, Python and C#, etc. • Strong problem-solving skills with critical thinking • Team players with excellent communication skills and strong ability to learn • Passion about blockchain technology • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months 实习福利 What you will get 办公环境好/ 学习空间大/ 领导NICE/ 优秀的团队/ 实习保险/ 零食热饮不限/技术大牛1对1指导
其他 上海
详情 收起

薪资:150-200元/天  |  实习要求:5天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:有

职位描述 What you’ll do • 前台对外接待工作,包括电话转接听,文件/快递收发等 • 行政用品采购,包括文具,零食,饮料,水果等 • 跟进行政费用的支付、报销 • 协助管理阿姨和司机工作 • 协助举办员工福利活动 • 其他人事行政相关项目工作 • Work as a receptionist including answering the call, document and parcels management etc. • Admin supplies purchasing, including stationery, snacks, drinks, fruits etc. • Follow up the payment and reimbursement of administrative expenses • Assist to manage Cleaner and driver’s work • Assist to host employee benefit activities • Other HR and admin related work and projects
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 全日制本科以上学历,每周可工作3天以上 • 优秀的语言表达及沟通能力,协调及亲和力强 • 性格活泼开朗,是个吃货,喜欢买买买,擅长玩玩玩 • 愿意在人事行政文秘工作领域长期发展 • 实习期满表现优异者可留用 • Bachelor degree or above, able to work more than 3 days per week • Have a good command of interpersonal skills • Lively and cheerful, good at eating, purchasing and playing • Willing to develop in Human Resources and Administration area • You will be offered a full-time position if standing out from the team
产品 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责 What you will do • 协助优化区块链产品流程并提高产品质量 • 收集、记录、分析相关产品数据 • 紧密和商务、设计、技术团队合作实施产品设计和产品开发 • 协助管理产品需求的优先级 • 领导安排的其他事宜 • Assist the blockchain production process daily and improve production quality • Gather and record relevant production data • Work closely with business team to handle implementation and product development • Assist in managing the priority of product requirements • Perform ad-hoc duties assigned by management
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 本科以上相关学历 • 熟悉产品工作流程,具备基础的数据分析能力 • 拥有清晰的产品设计思路,掌握各种原型设计、流程设计工具 (Axure, Visio等) • 出色的沟通能力,包括从容解决冲突的能力 • 拥有互联网/金融产品经验或了解区块链产品的候选人优先考虑 • 每周工作4天,至少4个月 • Bachelor degree or above • Familiarity with all aspects of production process and have basic data analysis capabilities • Good at clear product design thinking and master various prototyping tools (Axure, Visio etc.) • Excellent communication skills, including ability to resolve conflict calmly • Candidates with Internet/financial product experience or understanding of blockchain products are preferred • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months
研发 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,6个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责 What you will do • 根据分配的开发计划和功能要求进行开发,定期定量保质完成工作要求; • 能独立完成所分配任务的设计、开发、单元测试、文档编写工作 • 进行程序单元、功能的测试,检查软件存在的缺陷并保质其质量 • According to the assigned development plan and functional requirements, and complete the work requirements with regular quantitative quality assurance; • Ability to independently complete the design, development, unit testing, and documentation of the assigned tasks • Carry out program unit and function test, check software defects and guarantee its quality
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历 • 精通 C#语言,深入理解.NET以及.NET Core • 熟练使用至少一种关系型数据库,了解主流 PGSQL 数据库的原理与使用,至少熟悉MySQL、SQL server、Redis 中的一个 • 熟悉 Web 前端技术(HTML/CSS/JavaScript), 至少熟悉 Vue、Layui、React、AngularJS 等主流框架中的一个 • 有大数据类技术开发相关经验优先考虑 • 良好的编码风格,具备创造力与分析能力,有深入研究复杂问题、得到较好解决方案并解决问题的能力 • 具备良好的沟通和表达能力,工作积极主动 • 每周工作4天,至少6个月。 • 实习期满表现优异者可留用 • BA/MA in computer science or other related fields • Proficient in C#, in-depth understanding of .NET • Proficient in at least one relational database, understand the principle of PGSQL, and proficient in one of MySQL, SQL server and Redis • Familiar with front-end technologies, i.e. HTML, CSS or JavaScript, familiar with one of Vue, Layui, React, AngularJS • Previous experiences in big data is preferred • Good coding style, creative and analytical skills, and the ability to study complex problems in depth, get better solutions and solve problems • Have good communication and expression skills, and be proactive in work • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 6 months. • You will be offered a full-time position if standing out from the team.
前端 上海
详情 收起

薪资:200-250元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,4个月以上  |  转正机会:面议

岗位职责 What you will do • 根据工作安排高效、高质地完成代码编写,确保符合规范的前端代码规范 • 负责公司现有项目和新项目的前端修改调试和开发工作 • 与后端开发团队紧密配合,确保代码有效对接,优化网站前端性能 • 页面通过标准校验,兼容各主流浏览器 • Complete code writing efficiently, with standard and high quality according to work arrangements • Responsible for the front-end modification, debugging and development of the companys existing projects and new projects • Work closely with the back-end development team to ensure effective code docking and optimize the front-end performance of the website
岗位技能要求 Your skills and experience • 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历 • 精通 React / Vue / Angular 其中至少一种 • 熟知W3C标准,熟练掌握HTML、CSS、JavaScript(含HTML5、CSS3) • 至少了解一种后端语言,例如:NodeJS、PHP、Go、Java等 • 熟悉前端开源生态,阅读过常见框架、类库的源码,理解底层实现原理 • 对新技术钻研有强烈兴趣,良好的学习、沟通协调及实施能力 • 实习时长4个月及以上,一周工作4天 • Bachelor’s degree or above in computer science or related field • Good English communicator with CET6 • Proficient in React/Vue/Angular, at least one of them • Familiar with W3C standards, proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (including HTML5, CSS3) • Know at least one back-end language, such as NodeJS, PHP, Go, Java, etc. • Familiar with the front-end open-sourced ecology, read the source code of common frameworks and class libraries, understand the underlying implementation principle • Have a strong interest in new technology, good learning and communication and implementation skills • Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 4 months


  • 平均简历处理率 97%
  • 平均简历处理时间 6天




