炸裂这一步想必大家都会把,我就省去了。。 WITH t AS ( SELECT 'A' AS fr,'B' as too UNION ALL SELECT 'A' ,'C' UNION ALL SELECT 'A' ,'E' UNION ALL SELECT 'B' ,'A' UNION ALL SELECT 'B' ,'F' UNION ALL SELECT 'B' ,'E' UNION ALL SELECT 'C' ,'E' UNION ALL SELECT 'C' ,'F' UNION ALL SELECT 'C' ,'A' ) select concat(t1.fr,'-',t2.fr) as who_and_who,collect_set(t1.too) as comment_love from ( select fr, too, cn from ( select fr, too, count(fr) over (partition by too) as cn from t ) temp where cn > 1 ) t1 join ( select fr, too, cn from ( select fr, too, count(fr) over (partition by too) as cn from t ) temp where cn > 1 ) t2 on t1.fr <t2.fr and t1.too = t2.too GROUP BY concat(t1.fr,'-',t2.fr)
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