戴森秋招一二轮AI+technical test面经

10.15压ddl投 10.25收到一轮AI 11.1收到二轮technical test


第二轮:Technical Test

听说题目跟今年春招的一样,某红薯上也有,但鉴于楼主实在是懒,戴森也不是dream company,碰到这种要出方案的题目直接懒得做了,码出来惠及后人😝


  • Share a college/work experience when you acquired a new knowledge or skill to solve an unfamiliar problem. Why you decide to learn this knowledge or skill? What did you do to ensure a good understanding or mastery? What did you do to ensure continuous improvement during the whole process?
  • Please recall an experience when you quickly familiarized yourself with something new. Please describe in detail: What was the situation? What specific actions did you take?
  • Share an experience in your study/work that you had to deal with unexpected changes. What happened and how did you interpret the situation? How did you react in the situation? What was the result?
  • Recall the toughest decision you had to make in a difficult situation. How did you analyze the situation? What information did you take into consideration? What was your final decision?
  • Please recall a time when you felt frustrated at work or in your studies due to a sudden change. Please describe in detail: What happened? How did you deal with it? What was the result?
  • Share an experience of how you impressed others with a unique and original idea in your study/work. How did you come up with the idea? What was so unique about your idea that impressed others? What did you do to make it happen?
  • Please decribe a time when you thought outside of the box and came up with a new approach to solve a problem. What specifically did you do and why? What's unique about your approach?
  • Recall a college/work experience that you conducted thorough planning and analysis for a complex task. What was your objectives in this task? Tell us your detailed planning process? How did you track and measure your result?
  • Please recall a complex problem you faced in work/study. Describe in detail: Why was the problem complicated? What specific analysis did you do? How did you find the key to solving the problem?
  • Recall a teamwork when your team members had low morale and low engagement level. What did you say/do in this specific situation? What did you do to engage others? What was the result?
  • Please recall a project that you led in your study or work. Please describe in detail: What specific plan did you make to achieve your goal? What did you do to promote the implementation of the plan?
  • Share an experience when you had to persuade your team members to change their minds.
  • Please recall a significant disagreement between you and your team members in a team assignment. Please describe in detail: What did you say/do in this specific situation? How did your team members react? What was the result?
  • Share the most challenging goal you have achieved in college/work. What was so challenging about your goal? What difficulties did you encounter? What actions did you take to overcome the difficulties and achieve your goal? What was the result?
  • Share an experience when you worked tirelessly towards a long-term goal. What was your goal and what actions did you take in order to achieve it? At what frequency were your actions and how long did you persist? What resistance did you overcome in the process of pursuing this goal?

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