题解 | 10月的新户客单价和获客成本
WITH T1 AS ( SELECT *, row_number() over(partition by uid order by event_time) rn FROM tb_order_overall ), T2 AS ( SELECT C.order_id, price, cnt, total_amount FROM tb_order_detail C JOIN tb_product_info A USING(product_id) JOIN tb_order_overall B USING(order_id) WHERE order_id IN ( SELECT order_id FROM T1 WHERE rn = 1 ) AND left(event_time,7) = '2021-10' ) SELECT round(avg(total_amount),1) avg_amount, round(avg(cost),1) avg_cost FROM ( SELECT order_id, max(total_amount) total_amount, sum(price*cnt)-max(total_amount) cost FROM T2 GROUP BY order_id ) t