题解 | 牛客的课程订单分析(五)
select t2.user_id,first_buy_date,second_buy_date,cnt from( (select user_id,min(date) first_buy_date,count(*) cnt from order_info where product_name in ("C++","Java","Python") and status = "completed" and date > "2025-10-15" group by user_id having count(*) >= 2 order by user_id) as t2 left join (select t1.user_id uid,date second_buy_date from (select id,user_id,dense_rank()over(partition by user_id order by date) ranking from order_info where product_name in ("C++","Java","Python") and status = "completed" and date > "2025-10-15" ) as t1 inner join order_info oi on t1.id = oi.id and ranking = 2) as t3 on t2.user_id = t3.uid ) order by t2.user_id