华为OD 流浪地球,c++ 练习
流浪地球计划在赤道上均匀部署了 N 个转向发动机,按位置顺序编号为 0 ~ N
- 初始状态下所有的发动机都是未启动状态
- 发动机启动的方式分为“手动启动”和“关联启动”两种方式
- 如果在时刻 1 一个发动机被启动,下一个时刻 2 与之相邻的两个发动机就会被“关联启动”
- 如果准备启动某个发动机时,它已经被启动了,则什么都不用做
- 发动机 0 与发动机 N-1 是相邻的
第一行两个数字 N 和 E,中间有空格
- N 代表部署发动机的总个数,1 < N ≤ 1000
- E 代表计划手动启动的发动机总个数,1 ≤ E ≤ 1000,E ≤ N
接下来共 E 行,每行都是两个数字 T 和 P,中间有空格
- T 代表发动机的手动启动时刻,0 ≤ T ≤ N
- P 代表次发动机的位置编号,0 ≤ P < N
第一行一个数字 N, 以回车结束
- N 代表最后被启动的发动机个数
第二行 N 个数字,中间有空格,以回车结束
- 每个数字代表发动机的位置编号,从小到大排序
8 2 0 2 0 6
2 0 4
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; void printEngines(vector<int> &engines) { int i = 0; for (auto e : engines) { if (e == 0) cout << " [" << i << "] "; else cout << " [x] "; i++; } cout << endl; } int main() { int N, E; // cout << "enter the engines count and manual start engine count" << endl; cin >> N >> E; // makesure 1 < N <= 1000 && 1 <= E <= 1000 if (N < 1 || N > 1000 || E < 1 || E > 1000) { cout << "Invalid input" << endl; return 0; } // cout << "engines count:" << N << " manual start engine count:" << E << endl; // cout << "enter the time index and manual start engine index" << endl; map<int, vector<int>> tpMap; int T, P; for (size_t i = 0; i < E; i++) { cin >> T >> P; // makesure 0 <= T <= N && 0 <= P <= N if (T < 0 || T > N || P < 0 || P > N) { cout << "Invalid input" << endl; return 0; } tpMap[T].push_back(P); // cout << "we need manual start " << P << " at tick " << T << endl; } vector<int> engines(N, 0); int started = 0; int tick = 0; while (started < N) { //cout << "tick" << tick << " started" << started << endl; // 先检查是否需要关联启动 if (tick > 0) { if (tpMap.find(tick - 1) != tpMap.end()) { vector<int> lastEngines; for (auto p : tpMap[tick - 1]) { int left = p - 1 < 0 ? N - 1 : p - 1; int right = p + 1 > N - 1 ? 0 : p + 1; // left if (engines[left] == 0) { engines[left]++; // cout << "auto started " << left << " at tick " << tick << endl; // printEngines(engines); started++; lastEngines.push_back(left); // add left to this tpMap tpMap[tick].push_back(left); } // right if (engines[right] == 0) { engines[right]++; // cout << "auto started " << right << " at tick " << tick << endl; // printEngines(engines); started++; lastEngines.push_back(right); // add right to this tpMap tpMap[tick].push_back(right); } } if (started == N) { cout << lastEngines.size() << endl; sort(lastEngines.begin(), lastEngines.end()); for (auto e : lastEngines) { cout << e << " "; } cout << endl; break; } } } // 然后检查当前时刻是否有需要手动启动的 if (tpMap.find(tick) != tpMap.end()) { for (auto p : tpMap[tick]) { // already started if (engines[p] != 0) continue; engines[p]++; started++; // cout << "manual started " << p << " at tick " << tick << endl; // printEngines(engines); } } tick++; } return 0; }#华为ODE卷机考#