import sys
ke = input()
s = 0
if len(ke)< 5:
s += 5
elif 5<= len(ke) < 8:
s += 10
s += 25
count_n, count_f,count_lower_a,count_upper_a = 0,0,0,0
for i in ke:
if i in "0123456789":
count_n +=1
elif i in "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~":
count_f +=1
count_upper_a +=1
elif i in "abcdefjhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
count_lower_a +=1
count_a = count_lower_a + count_upper_a
if count_n ==1:
s +=10
elif count_n > 1:
s +=20
if count_f ==1:
s +=10
elif count_f > 1:
s +=25
if count_lower_a>0 and count_upper_a >0:
s +=20
elif count_lower_a>0 or count_upper_a >0:
s +=10
if count_lower_a>0 and count_upper_a>0 and count_n>0 and count_f>0:
s +=5
elif count_n>0 and count_a>0 and count_f>0:
s +=3
elif count_n>0 and count_a>0 and count_f==0:
s +=2
def pingfen(x):
if x >= 90:
return "VERY_SECURE"
elif x >= 80:
return "SECURE"
elif x >= 70:
return "VERY_STRONG"
elif x >= 60:
return "STRONG"
elif x >= 50:
return "AVERAGE"
elif x >= 25:
return "WEAK"
return "VERY_WEAK"