【大厂真题】SQL24题解 | 网易云音乐推荐(网易校招笔试真题)
# 需求分析 user_id = 1 # 不包含用户已经喜欢的音乐 # 推荐的人喜欢的音乐 # 排序,music的id with tmp as ( SELECT b.music_id from follow a left join music_likes b on a.user_id=b.user_id left join music c on b.music_id=c.id where a.user_id='1' ) SELECT c.music_name from follow a left join music_likes b on a.follower_id=b.user_id left join music c on b.music_id=c.id left join tmp as d on b.music_id=d.music_id where a.user_id='1' and d.music_id is null group by b.music_id order by b.music_id asc
原来我是将distinct和order by一起使用,但是发现运行报错:
SQL_ERROR_INFO: "Expression #1of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list,
references column 'm.id'which is not in SELECT list; thisis incompatible with DISTINCT"
查了一下,发现这是因为先执行distinct去重产生虚拟表,在此虚拟表的基础上进行order by,由于虚拟表没有order by的字段,产生报错
也就是order by的字段必须在select中出现
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
由于报错,用group by替代distinct:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
题解 | #网易云音乐推荐#
发表于 2021-08-27 17:07
- 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人(follower_id )1select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1;
- 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐 (music_id)12select music_id from music_likeswhere user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1);
- 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐,同时排除该用户已经喜欢的音乐(music_id)123select music_id from music_likeswhere user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1)and music_id not in (select music_id from music_likes where user_id = 1);
- 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐,同时排除该用户已经喜欢的音乐(music_id)。接着,连接表music,获得音乐name,并且按music的id升序排列,返回的结果不包含重复项。即最终的代码为:复制代码12345678910selectdistinct music_namefrom (select music_id from music_likeswhere user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1)and music_id not in (select music_id from music_likes where user_id = 1)) ajoin music m on a.music_id = m.idorder by id;