import string
def password_strength(password):
score = 0
# 密码长度得分
if len(password) <= 4:
score += 5
elif 5 <= len(password) <= 7:
score += 10
elif len(password) >= 8:
score += 25
# 字母得分
has_upper = any(char.isupper() for char in password)
has_lower = any(char.islower() for char in password)
if has_upper and has_lower:
score += 20
elif has_upper or has_lower:
score += 10
# 数字得分
digit_count = sum(char.isdigit() for char in password)
if digit_count == 1:
score += 10
elif digit_count > 1:
score += 20
# 符号得分
symbol_count = sum(1 for char in password if char in "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~")
if symbol_count == 1:
score += 10
elif symbol_count > 1:
score += 25
# 奖励得分
if has_upper and has_lower and digit_count > 0 and symbol_count > 0:
score += 5
elif (has_upper or has_lower) and digit_count > 0 and symbol_count > 0:
score += 3
elif (has_upper or has_lower) and digit_count > 0:
score += 2
# 根据得分评定安全等级
if score >= 90:
return 'VERY_SECURE'
elif score >= 80:
return 'SECURE'
elif score >= 70:
return 'VERY_STRONG'
elif score >= 60:
return 'STRONG'
elif score >= 50:
return 'AVERAGE'
elif score >= 25:
return 'WEAK'
elif score >= 0:
return 'VERY_WEAK'
return 'UNKNOWN'
# 读取输入
password = input().strip()
# 输出密码等级