题解 | #未完成试卷数大于1的有效用户#
#sql的关键是读题,错了好多次才发现对年份有要求, #其次是这题的分组拼接,不能输出重复数据,输出要按照时间顺序,题干未作说明 #count只负责计数,但是会跳过null,如果if的F不设置为null,本题就错了,不过使用sum的话 #将if设置为1,0完全可以 select uid,count(if(submit_time is null, 1,null)) as incomplete_cnt,count(if(submit_time is not null, 1,null)) as complete_cnt,GROUP_CONCAT(distinct CONCAT(DATE(start_time), ':', tag) order by start_time SEPARATOR ';') AS detail from exam_record ee ###count是计数,会忽略null,只要非空就会计数, #如果是sum,则要将if的null改成0 inner join examination_info as e on e.exam_id = ee.exam_id where year(start_time)=2021 group by uid having count(if(submit_time is not null, 1,null))>=1 and count(if(submit_time is null, 1,null)) <5 and count(if(submit_time is null, 1,null)) >1 order by incomplete_cnt desc