题解 | #密码验证合格程序#
import sys # 读取全部input,并且根据换行符切割新password passwords = sys.stdin.read().strip().splitlines() def length_check(password): # 检查密码长度是否在规定长度内 return "OK" if 8 < len(password) < 100 else "NG" def variety_check(password): # 检查是否存在4种中至少3种特殊符号 # 大小写,数字,特殊字符(不包含空格) has_upper = any(char.isupper() for char in password) has_lower = any(char.islower() for char in password) has_digit = any(char.isdigit() for char in password) has_special = any(not char.isalnum() for char in password) # 统计一共多少种不同的字符存在 total_types = sum([has_upper, has_lower, has_digit, has_special]) return "OK" if total_types >= 3 else "NG" def duplicate_check(password): # 检查是否存在超过3个的重复字母 for i in range(len(password) - 2): if password[i:i + 3] in password[i + 1:]: return "NG" # If a duplicate substring is found return "OK" # 检查每个密码并且打印最终结果 for password in passwords: if ( length_check(password) == "OK" and variety_check(password) == "OK" and duplicate_check(password) == "OK" ): print("OK") else: print("NG")