题解 | #2021年11月每天新用户的次日留存率#
with tmp as ( select uid, dt, rank() over(partition by uid order by dt) as rnk from ( select uid, date (in_time) as dt from tb_user_log union select uid, date (out_time) as dt from tb_user_log ) t ) select dt, round(count(case when days_diff=1 then uid else null end)/count(distinct uid),2) as day1 from (select t1.uid, t1.dt, datediff(t2.dt, t1.dt) as days_diff from tmp as t1 left join tmp t2 on t1.uid = t2.uid where year(t1.dt) = 2021 and month(t1.dt) = 11 and t1.rnk=1) t group by dt order by dt