题解 | #每个月Top3的周杰伦歌曲#
#从听歌流水中找到18-25岁用户在2022年每个月播放次数top 3的周杰伦的歌曲 #18-25岁 2022年 每个月 播放次数tops 周杰伦 with all_info as ( select p.fdate ,p.user_id as user_id ,p.song_id as song_id ,u.age ,s.song_name ,s.singer_name ,month(fdate) as fdate_mon from play_log p left join user_info u on p.user_id = u.user_id left join song_info s on p.song_id = s.song_id where p.fdate between "2022-01-01" and "2022-12-31" and u.age between 18 and 25 and singer_name = '周杰伦' ) ,count_info as ( select * ,count(user_id)over(partition by fdate_mon,song_id) as cnt from all_info ) ,rank_info as ( select fdate_mon ,song_name ,song_id ,cnt ,row_number()over(partition by fdate_mon order by cnt desc) as t_rank from (select distinct fdate_mon ,song_name, song_id, cnt from count_info) as a1 ) select fdate_mon as month #这里date_format(fdate_month,'%m')不行 ,t_rank as ranking ,song_name ,cnt as play_pv from rank_info where t_rank in(1,2,3) order by month asc, ranking asc, song_id asc