题解 | #每个月Top3的周杰伦歌曲#
with t as( select month(fdate) as 'month', row_number() over(partition by month(fdate),singer_name order by count(song_name) desc,a.song_id) as ranking, singer_name, song_name, count(song_name) as play_pv from play_log a left join song_info b on a.song_id=b.song_id left join user_info c on a.user_id=c.user_id where year(fdate)='2022' and 18<=age and age<=25 group by month(fdate),singer_name,song_name,a.song_id order by month(fdate),singer_name,count(song_name) desc,a.song_id ) select month,ranking,song_name,play_pv from t where ranking<=3 and singer_name='周杰伦'