题解 | #自动售货系统#
本题逻辑并不复杂, 但是条件,逻辑非常多 主要有四个难点 1: 字符串的切割, 不要搞乱了, 尤其是对于一些非法输入的处理 2: 余额,钱币数量的维护 3: 数量从大到小排序, 但是数量相同的名称在前, 就是稳定排序 4: 退币原则, 使用贪心算法算出 但是本题最难的是考试的时候不会提供测试用例, 所以基本上做不出来, 而且做出来了也需要调试很久, 得不偿失 import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalIconFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { //S001:Initialization is successful //E009:Work failure //E010:Parameter error //S002:Pay success,balance=1 //E008:Lack of balance //1 yuan coin number=1 //2 yuan coin number=0 //5 yuan coin number=0 //10 yuan coin number=0 //E008:Lack of balance //E008:Lack of balance //E009:Work failure //E010:Parameter error //S002:Pay success,balance=5 public static int []money = new int[5]; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String str[] = sc.nextLine().split(";"); // r 22-18-21-21-7-20 3-23-10-6;c;q0;p 1;b A6;c;b A5;b A1;c;q1;p 5; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 //r A1 数量 -A2 数量 -A3 数量 -A4 数量 -A5 数量 -A6 数量 1 元张数 -2 元张数 -5 元张数 -10 元张数 int []shuliang = new int[7]; shuliang[0] = -1; int []danjia = { 0, 2,3,4,5,8,6}; String initial[] = str[0].split(" "); String shuliangStr[] = initial[1].split("-"); String moneyStr[] = initial[2].split("-"); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); //商品数量初始化 shuliang[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { shuliang[i] = Integer.parseInt(shuliangStr[i-1]); } //钱的张数初始化 for (int i = 1; i <=4 ; i++) { money[i] = Integer.parseInt(moneyStr[i-1]); } list.add("S001:Initialization is successful"); int toubi = 0; for (int i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { switch (str[i].charAt(0)) { case 'p': String []p = str[i].split(" "); int cur = Integer.parseInt(p[1]); if(cur !=1 && cur !=2 && cur !=5 && cur !=10 ) { list.add("E002:Denomination error"); break; } if( cur !=1 && cur !=2 && money[1]+money[2]*2 < cur ) { list.add("E003:Change is not enough, pay fail"); break; } if ( shuliang[1] == 0 && shuliang[2] == 0 && shuliang[3] == 0 && shuliang[4] == 0 && shuliang[5] == 0 && shuliang[6] == 0 ) { list.add("E005:All the goods sold out"); break; } toubi += cur; //易错: 投币后要对钱币张数进行维护 switch (cur) { case 1: money[1]++; break; case 2: money[2]++; break; case 5: money[3]++; break; case 10: money[4]++; break; } list.add("S002:Pay success,balance="+ toubi); break; case 'b': String []buy = str[i].split(" "); int index = Integer.parseInt( buy[1].substring(1) ); if( !buy[1].equals("A1") && !buy[1].equals("A2") && !buy[1].equals("A3") && !buy[1].equals("A4") && !buy[1].equals("A5") && !buy[1].equals("A6") ) { list.add("E006:Goods does not exist"); break; } if(shuliang[index] ==0) { list.add("E007:The goods sold out"); break; } if( toubi < danjia[index]) { list.add("E008:Lack of balance"); break; } //toubi 表示余额, 全局都是需要维护的 toubi -= danjia[index]; list.add("S003:Buy success,balance=" + toubi); break; case 'c': if(toubi == 0) { list.add("E009:Work failure"); break; } else if(toubi > 0) { int []tuibi = FuncTuibi(toubi); int []jine = new int[]{0,1,2,5,10}; //1 yuan coin number=0 for (int j = 1; j <= 4 ; j++) { list.add(jine[j] + " yuan coin number=" + tuibi[j]); } toubi = 0; break; } break; case 'q': //对非法输入的处理 if( str[i].indexOf(" ") == -1 ) { list.add("E010:Parameter error"); break; } String []chaxun = str[i].split(" "); if( !chaxun[1].equals("0") && !chaxun[1].equals("1")) { list.add("E010:Parameter error"); break; } if(chaxun[1].equals("1")) { list.add("1 yuan coin number="+money[1]); list.add("2 yuan coin number="+money[2]); list.add("5 yuan coin number="+money[3]); list.add("10 yuan coin number="+money[4]); break; } int [][] good = new int[7][2]; for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { good[j][0] = j; good[j][1] = shuliang[j]; } //用Arrays.sort() 对二维数组的行进行稳定排序 Arrays.sort(good, new Comparator<int[]>() { @Override public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) { return o2[0] - o1[0]; } }); for (int j = 6; j >=0; j--) { int index1 = good[j][0]; // A1 2 6 if(index1 == 0) { continue; } list.add("A"+index1 + " " + danjia[index1] + " " + shuliang[index1]); } break; } } for(String i: list) { System.out.println(i); } } //贪心算法实现最少张数退币 public static int[] FuncTuibi( int toubi ) { int []tuibi = new int[5]; Arrays.fill(tuibi,0); int []jine = {0,1,2,5,10}; for (int i = 4; i >0 ; i--) { int shuliang = toubi/jine[i]; if(shuliang == 0) { continue; } if(money[i] >= shuliang) { tuibi[i] = shuliang; money[i] = money[i] - shuliang; toubi -= shuliang * jine[i]; } else if( money[i] < shuliang ) { tuibi[i] = money[i]; money[i] = 0; toubi -= money[i] * jine[i]; } } return tuibi; } }
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