题解 | #某店铺的各商品毛利率及店铺整体毛利率#
select product_id ,concat(profit_rate,'%') as profit_rate from (select '店铺汇总' as product_id ,round((1-sum(b.in_price*a.cnt)/sum(a.price*a.cnt))*100,1) as profit_rate from tb_order_detail a left join tb_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id left join tb_order_overall c on a.order_id = c.order_id where b.shop_id=901 and date(event_time)>'2021-10-01' union select a.product_id as product_id ,round((1-sum(b.in_price*a.cnt)/sum(a.price*a.cnt))*100,1) as profit_rate from tb_order_detail a left join tb_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id left join tb_order_overall c on a.order_id = c.order_id where b.shop_id=901 and date(event_time)>'2021-10-01' group by a.product_id having profit_rate>24.9 ) t