题解 | #连续签到领金币#
with t1 as ( select uid, date(in_time) as log_day, row_number()over(partition by uid order by in_time) as rk from tb_user_log where artical_id = 0 and sign_in = 1 and date_format(in_time,'%Y%m%d') between 20210707 and 20211031 ) select uid,month, sum(daily_coin) as coin from ( select uid,month,cdd, case when cdd%7 = 3 then 3 when cdd%7 = 0 then 7 else 1 end as daily_coin from ( select uid, date_format(log_day,'%Y%m') as month, date_sub(log_day,interval rk day) as initial_day, row_number()over(partition by date_sub(log_day,interval rk day),uid) as cdd from t1 ) t2 ) t3 group by 1,2