题解 | #某店铺的各商品毛利率及店铺整体毛利率#
with temp as ( select a.product_id, a.in_price, b.total_amount, b.total_cnt, c.cnt, c.price, status from tb_product_info as a left join tb_order_detail as c on a.product_id = c.product_id left join tb_order_overall as b on c.order_id = b.order_id where shop_id = 901 and substr(event_time,1,7) >= '2021-10' ) select '店铺汇总' as product_id, CONCAT(round((1 - sum(in_price * cnt) / sum(price * cnt)) * 100, 1), '%') as profit_rate from temp union select product_id, CONCAT(round((1 - sum(in_price * cnt) / sum(price * cnt)) * 100, 1), '%') as profit_rate from temp group by product_id having round((1 - sum(in_price * cnt) / sum(price * cnt)) * 100, 1) > 24.9