To Fill or Not to Fill
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int station_distance = 0; //记录第i个加油站加的油的行驶距离
int dis = 0; //从第i个加油站开始最远能跑到哪,要么就是stations[i].di + cmax * davg,要么直接跑到终点
int max = stations[i].di + cmax * davg;
if (max < d) dis = max;
else dis = d;
for (int j = stations[i].di + 1; j <= dis; j++) {
if (ispass[j] == false) { //false说明没走过,那就可以走
ispass[j] = true;
cost += (station_distance / davg) * stations[i].pi;
我们用一个数组记录每一个单位的距离是否走过,如ispass[j] = false,就代表[ j - 1, j ]这个单位距离没有经过,那我们就可以走,因为我们每次让走的都是当前油价最低的,那么最后总花费就是最低的。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct station {
double pi;
double di;
bool cmp(station x, station y) {
return x.pi < y.pi;
int main() {
double cmax, d, davg;
int n;
while (cin >> cmax >> d >> davg >> n) {
vector<station> stations(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> stations[i].pi >> stations[i].di;
sort(stations.begin(), stations.end(), cmp); //按照油价升序排序
vector<bool> ispass(d + 1, false); //判断是否已经走过了[j - 1, j]
//double distance = 0; //记录总的行驶距离
double cost = 0; //记录总花费
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int station_distance = 0; //记录第i个加油站加的油的行驶距离
int dis = 0; //从第i个加油站开始最远能跑到哪,要么就是stations[i].di + cmax * davg,要么直接跑到终点
int max = stations[i].di + cmax * davg;
if (max < d) dis = max;
else dis = d;
for (int j = stations[i].di + 1; j <= dis; j++) {
if (ispass[j] == false) { //false说明没走过,那就可以走
ispass[j] = true;
cost += (station_distance / davg) * stations[i].pi;
bool flag = true; //是否走完的标志位
double distance = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= d; i++) {
if (ispass[i] == false) {
flag = false;
distance = i - 1;
if (flag) {
printf("%.2f\n", cost);
else {
printf("The maximum travel distance = %.2f\n", distance);