题解 | #店铺901国庆期间的7日动销率和滞销率#
select dt, coalesce(sum(sale_rate),0.000) as sale_rate, coalesce(sum(unsale_rate),1.000) as unsale_rate from ( select dt_group as dt, shop_id, round(count(distinct if(shop_id='901', t1.product_id, null)) / if(shop_id='901',t1.ccnntt,null),3) as sale_rate, round(1-count(distinct if(shop_id='901', t1.product_id, null)) / if(shop_id='901',t1.ccnntt,null),3) as unsale_rate from ( select a.product_id,c.cnt,a.shop_id ,date_format(b.event_time,'%Y-%m-%d') as dt_0 ,ccnntt from tb_order_overall b join tb_order_detail c on b.order_id = c.order_id and date_format(b.event_time,'%Y-%m-%d') between '2021-09-25' and '2021-10-03' join (select product_id,shop_id,count(1) over(partition by shop_id) as ccnntt from tb_product_info ) a on a.product_id = c.product_id ) t1 left join ( select distinct date_format(event_time,'%Y-%m-%d') as dt_group from tb_order_overall where date_format(event_time,'%Y-%m-%d') between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-03' ) t2 on t1.dt_0 >= date_sub(t2.dt_group,Interval 6 day) and t1.dt_0 <= t2.dt_group group by dt_group,t1.ccnntt,shop_id )d group by dt order by dt
值得注意的是,当你想用count(distinct) 开窗无果的时候,应该考虑用笛卡尔放大,多出来的一列作为group