题解 | #统计复旦用户8月练题情况#
select a.device_id, a.university, coalesce(b.answ_num_Aug, 0) as answ_num_Aug, coalesce(c.right_answ_num_Aug, 0) as right_answ_num_Aug from ( select device_id, university from user_profile where university = '复旦大学' group by 1, 2 ) a left join ( select device_id, count(question_id) as answ_num_Aug from question_practice_detail where date between '2021-08-01' and '2021-08-31' group by 1 ) b on a.device_id = b.device_id left join ( select device_id, count(question_id) as right_answ_num_Aug from question_practice_detail where date between '2021-08-01' and '2021-08-31' and result = 'right' group by 1 ) c on a.device_Id = c.device_id