题解 | #自动售货系统# 找零的地方直接循环处理简单点
s = input().split(";") # 商品 key = s[0].split(' ') t1 = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6'] t2 = map(int, key[1].split('-')) goods_ct = dict(zip(t1, t2)) goods_value = {'A1': 2, 'A2': 3, 'A3': 4, 'A4': 5, 'A5': 8, 'A6': 6} # 钱 t1 = [1, 2, 5, 10] t2 = map(int, key[2].split('-')) money_ct = dict(zip(t1, t2)) print("S001:Initialization is successful") # 投币额 global cost cost = 0 def compute(order): global cost if order[0] == 'q': if order == 'q 0': for good in goods_value.keys(): print("{} {} {}".format( good, goods_value[good], goods_ct[good])) elif order == 'q 1': for m in money_ct.keys(): print("{} yuan coin number={}".format(m, money_ct[m])) else: print("E010:Parameter error") if order[0] == 'p': cost_temp = int(order[2:]) if cost_temp not in [1, 2, 5, 10]: print("E002:Denomination error") elif cost_temp in [5, 10] and money_ct[1]*1 + money_ct[2]*2 < cost_temp: print("E003:Change is not enough, pay fail") elif sum(goods_ct.values()) == 0: print("E005:All the goods sold out") else: cost += cost_temp # 增加一张库存 money_ct[cost_temp] += 1 print(f"S002:Pay success,balance={cost}") if order[0] == 'b': name = order[2:] if name not in goods_value.keys(): print("E006:Goods does not exist") elif goods_ct[name] == 0: print("E007:The goods sold out") elif cost < goods_value[name]: print("E008:Lack of balance") else: goods_ct[name] -= 1 cost -= goods_value[name] print(f"S003:Buy success,balance={cost}") if order[0] == 'c': if cost == 0: print("E009:Work failure") else: re_ct = dict(zip([1, 2, 5, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0])) for n in [10, 5, 2, 1]: while money_ct[n] > 0 and cost - n >= 0: re_ct[n] += 1 money_ct[n] -= 1 cost -= n for m in re_ct.keys(): print("{} yuan coin number={}".format(m, re_ct[m])) # 命令 orders = s[1:-1] for order in orders: compute(order)
针对找零模块原来会遇到 8 = 5+2 而不是 8 = 2 + 2 +2 +2的情形增加了dfs回溯 这也太复杂了
r 22-18-21-21-7-20 0-23-10-6;p 2;p 2;p 2;p 2;c;
用这个自测看看你的是返回 2 5 还是 2 2 2 2 大部分人都不对 而且没有设计这样的用例 不是考点 只能说题目出的太难或者有点问题
s = input().split(";") # 商品 key = s[0].split(' ') t1 = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6'] t2 = map(int, key[1].split('-')) goods_ct = dict(zip(t1, t2)) goods_value = {'A1': 2, 'A2': 3, 'A3': 4, 'A4': 5, 'A5': 8, 'A6': 6} # 钱 t1 = [1, 2, 5, 10] t2 = map(int, key[2].split('-')) money_ct = dict(zip(t1, t2)) print("S001:Initialization is successful") # 投币额 global cost cost = 0 def compute(order): global cost global money_ct global goods_ct global res if order[0] == 'q': if order == 'q 0': for good in goods_value.keys(): print("{} {} {}".format( good, goods_value[good], goods_ct[good])) elif order == 'q 1': for m in money_ct.keys(): print("{} yuan coin number={}".format(m, money_ct[m])) else: print("E010:Parameter error") if order[0] == 'p': cost_temp = int(order[2:]) if cost_temp not in [1, 2, 5, 10]: print("E002:Denomination error") elif cost_temp in [5, 10] and money_ct[1]*1 + money_ct[2]*2 < cost_temp: print("E003:Change is not enough, pay fail") elif sum(goods_ct.values()) == 0: print("E005:All the goods sold out") else: cost += cost_temp # 增加一张库存 money_ct[cost_temp] += 1 print(f"S002:Pay success,balance={cost}") if order[0] == 'b': name = order[2:] if name not in goods_value.keys(): print("E006:Goods does not exist") elif goods_ct[name] == 0: print("E007:The goods sold out") elif cost < goods_value[name]: print("E008:Lack of balance") else: goods_ct[name] -= 1 cost -= goods_value[name] print(f"S003:Buy success,balance={cost}") if order[0] == 'c': if cost == 0: print("E009:Work failure") else: re_ct = dict(zip([1, 2, 5, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0])) # for n in [10, 5, 2, 1]: # while money_ct[n] > 0 and cost - n >= 0: # re_ct[n] += 1 # money_ct[n] -= 1 # cost -= n # for m in re_ct.keys(): # print("{} yuan coin number={}".format(m, re_ct[m])) res = [] tuibi(cost, money_ct, re_ct) res.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], sum(x[1].values()))) cost = res[0][0] solution = res[0][1] money_ct = res[0][2] for m in solution.keys(): print("{} yuan coin number={}".format(m, solution[m])) def tuibi(target, money_ct, solution): for n in [10, 5, 2, 1]: if money_ct[n] and target-n >= 0: money_ct[n] -= 1 solution[n] += 1 tuibi(target-n, money_ct, solution) # 还原 money_ct[n] += 1 solution[n] -= 1 # 结束标志 # 无钱可找 res.append([target, solution.copy(), money_ct.copy()]) # 命令 orders = s[1:-1] for order in orders: compute(order)