题解 | #工作日各时段叫车量、等待接单时间和调度时间#
# 3.13 11:00- 11:40 # 字段:period、get_car_num、avg_wait_time、avg_dispatch_time # 时间:周一到周五 # 平均等待时间 # tb11:链接 with tb1 as( select order_id, case when hour(event_time)>=7 and hour(event_time)<9 then'早高峰' when hour(event_time)>=9 and hour(event_time)<17 then'工作时间' when hour(event_time)>=17 and hour(event_time)<20 then'晚高峰' else '休息时间' end as period, event_time, timestampdiff(second,event_time,end_time) as wait_time, timestampdiff(second,order_time,start_time) as dispatch_time from tb_get_car_order left join tb_get_car_record using(order_id) where weekday(event_time) between 0 and 4 # 星期数公式? # AND fare is not null ) # tb2:不同时间段,count car, select period,count(order_id) as get_car_num, round(avg(wait_time)/60,1) as avg_wait_time, round(avg(dispatch_time)/60,1) as avg_dispatch_time from tb1 group by period order by count(order_id) asc # 星期数公式 # weekday:0到6代表星期一到星期日 # dayofweek:从1到7代表星期日到星期六 # 注意点:需要排除未完成的订单 # 但是这题不排除fare为空的反而正确的?