题解 | 国庆在北京接单3次及以上的司机统计信息
# 24.3.5 9:08 —— 9:33 25min # 字段:city、avg_order_num、avg_income # 时间:2021-10-01 —— 2021-10-07 # tb1:链接 + 筛选 with tb1 as( select driver_id,city, date(finish_time) as dt,fare from tb_get_car_order left join tb_get_car_record using(order_id) where date(finish_time) >= '2021-10-01' AND date(finish_time) <= '2021-10-07' AND city = '北京' # AND mileage is not null # 筛选接单次数在3次以上的司机 # 此处假设接单但是取消的不算入计算(预先排除了) # 但是从本题来看,就算取消订单也算在内 ), # tb2:筛选司机 接单三次以上 tb2 as( select driver_id,count(dt) as cnt from tb1 group by driver_id having count(dt) >= 3 ) # 结果查询:聚合---筛选符合条件的司机 select city, round(count(dt)/count(distinct driver_id),3) as avg_order_num, round(sum(fare)/ count(distinct driver_id),3) as avg_income from tb1 where driver_id in (select driver_id from tb2) group by city