题解 | #店铺901国庆期间的7日动销率和滞销率#
# 3.4 9:05- 826 # 字段:dt,sale_rate,unsale_rate # 时间:2021.10.01-2021.10.03 7日的动销率/滞销率(9.25-10.3) # 动销率 = 有销量商品 / 上架总商品数 # 滞销率 = 没有销量商品 / 上架总商品数 # tb1:链接 with tb1 as( select date(event_time) as dt,product_id from tb_order_detail left join tb_order_overall using(order_id) left join tb_product_info using(product_id) where shop_id = 901 AND status =1 order by dt,product_id ), tb2 as( select '2021-10-01' as dt, # 动销率 round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(distinct product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-01','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as sale_rate, # 滞销率 1-round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(distinct product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-01','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as unsale_rate from tb1 where dt>=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-01','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND dt<= date_format('2021-10-01','%Y-%m-%d') union all select '2021-10-02' as dt, # 动销率 round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(distinct product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-02','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as sale_rate, # 滞销率 1-round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-02','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as unsale_rate from tb1 where dt>=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-02','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND dt<= date_format('2021-10-02','%Y-%m-%d') union all # 分日统计:10.03 select '2021-10-03' as dt, # 动销率 round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-03','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as sale_rate, # 滞销率 1-round(count(distinct product_id)/( select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where date(release_time)<=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-03','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND shop_id = 901 ) ,3) as unsale_rate from tb1 where dt>=date_sub(date_format('2021-10-03','%Y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day) AND dt<= date_format('2021-10-03','%Y-%m-%d') ) select * from tb2 # 筛选任意一间店铺有出单记录 where dt in (select date(event_time) from tb_order_overall) # 动销率为0 如果当天有销售记录则输出,没有记录则不输出