题解 | #火车进站#
def xx(a, b, c): if not a and b: # 只有进站 return xx(a + b[:1], b[1:], c) if a and b: #有进站和出站 b1 = b.copy() #注意列表的直接传递是会相互影响的 需要copy() return xx(a + b[:1], b[1:], c) + xx(a[:-1], b1, c + a[-1]) if a and not b: #只有出站 for i in a[::-1]: c += i return [c] while True: try: n = int(input()) b = input().split() for i in sorted(xx([], b, "")): for j in i: print(j, end=" ") print("") except: break