题解 | #10月的新户客单价和获客成本#
# 商城里所有新用户的首单平均交易金额(客单价)和平均获客成本(平均优惠价)。 # 新用户的定义?之前(10月份前)没有出现过的uid # 字段:客单价 / 平均获客成本 # 表一:聚合订单明细表 with table1 as ( select order_id,sum(price*cnt) as pre_cost from tb_order_detail group by order_id ), # 表二:连接 订单总表 & 新用户筛选 table2 AS( select event_time,order_id,uid,total_amount, row_number()OVER(partition by uid order by event_time asc) as rk, # COALESCE(pre_cost, 0) - total_amount AS cost (pre_cost - total_amount) as cost from tb_order_overall left join table1 using(order_id) where uid not in(select uid from tb_order_overall where date(event_time)<'2021-10-01') AND status = 1 ) # 计算客单价 & 平均获客成本 select ROUND(sum(total_amount)/count(distinct order_id),1) AS avg_amount, ROUND(sum(cost)/COUNT(DISTINCT order_id),1) AS avg_cost FROM table2 WHERE YEAR(event_time) = 2021 AND MONTH(event_time) = 10 AND rk = 1 # 注意点:计算客单价的时候不能用avg,而是sum/count # 注意点:首单! 需要先对table2中的数据进行uid分组,时间排序。。。rk = 1