



天空布满了乌云,时而有闪电划过,风吹的很猛烈,有些树都被吹倒了,洪水裹挟着汽车,树木,还有石头前进着,像是要把一起都冲走。 人们在呼喊着彼此,希望可以尽快跑到安全的地方,大家都往地势高的地方走,祈祷洪水不会淹没他们 救援队出动了。他们携带了救援设备前往现场 电视台也在积极报道,让更多的人了解这里的情况,动员大家救援

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning appeared from time to time. The wind blew so hard that some trees were blown down. The floodwaters carried cars, trees, and even rocks, pushing forward as if they were going to wash everything away. People are shouting to each other, hoping to run to a safe place as quickly as possible. Everyone is moving towards higher ground, praying that the flood wouldn't wash them away. Rescue teams were dispatched. They brought rescue equipment to the scene Television stations are actively reporting, informing more people about the situation and mobilizing everyone for rescue efforts.


机场里人头攒动,旅客川流不息。 在大型航站楼内,行李在传送带上平稳移动,将行李交给兴奋的旅客。 大屏幕上的航班信息随时变化,告诉大家何时登机。 工人们熟练地穿行在繁忙的区域,推着推车并进行机场工作,而机场警察则四处走动以确保每个人的安全。 登机口前有通道与飞机相连,人们排队登机。 机场忙碌而热闹,尽显旅行的喜悦。

The airport is full of many people, and travelers rush about. Inside the big terminal building, luggage smoothly moves on conveyor belts, giving bags to excited traveler. Flight information always changes on big screens, telling everyone when to get on the plane. Workers skillfully move through the busy area, pushing carts and doing airport jobs, while airport police walk around to keep everyone safe. In front of the gates, walkways connect to the planes, and people stand in line to get on. The airport is busy and filled with excitement, showing the joy of traveling.


美丽的度假胜地,白云在天上飘荡,绿叶在风中飘扬。 海滩干净洁白,沙子很细,海浪轻轻拍打着海岸。 泳池边,欢声笑语不断,游泳者们玩得不亦乐乎。 五颜六色的花朵装饰着整个度假村,反射着夕阳的温暖光芒。 度假村悠闲安静,处处洋溢着轻松、祥和的气氛。

A beautiful resort, with white clouds floating in the sky and green leaves floating in the wind. The beach is clean and white, the sand is very fine, and the waves gently lap on the coast. By the pool, there was constant laughter and laughter, and swimmers were enjoying themselves happily. Colorful flowers decorate the entire resort, reflecting the warm light of the setting sun. The resort is peaceful and quiet, with a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.



In the mall, the lights are bright, and colorful signs grab peoples attention. People are always moving around, going through different store windows. Music is playing, and the stores make you feel excited about shopping. The workers are busy helping customers, and you can hear the sound of shopping bags and people talking. The mall is filled with a happy shopping vibe, showing how lively the city is.



The playground is filled with bright sunlight and the sound of laughter. Kids happily run and play on the grass, their happy faces showing innocent joy. The wind blows across the field, carrying the sounds of bouncing basketballs and rolling soccer balls. Parents talk on benches, happily watching their children enjoy playing sports. The playground is a lively and happy place, full of joy and energy.

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1. 描述C++程序到可执行程序的四个过程。2. 说明面向对象的特性。3. 区分静态多态和动态多态。4. 解释动态多态和静态多态的原理,并比较它们的效率。5. 什么是智能指针?6. `shared_ptr` 是否线程安全?7. 解释深拷贝和浅拷贝的区别。8. 比较 `i++`、`++i` 和 `++(i++)` 的行为。9. 解释右值引用、移动语义以及其底层原理。10. `vector` A 存储在哪里?`A.push_back(1)` 中的 `1` 存储在哪里?11. `vector` 的 `clear` 和 `push_back` 的时间复杂度及其原因。12. STL 容器是否线程安全?为什么?13. 线程和进程的区别。14. 计算线程创建的最大数量的公式。15. 什么是协程?协程是否有创建数量的限制?16. 什么是死锁?17. 每个线程需要 100 把锁,如何避免死锁?18. 解释 `thread_local` 的用法和作用。19. 什么是野指针?如何避免野指针?20. 解释 `new`、`delete` 和 `malloc`、`free` 的区别和常识。21. 虚函数、虚函数表和虚指针的概念是什么?22. 面向对象的基本特征。23. 解释死锁的四个必要条件。24. 区分内联函数和宏定义。25. 动态链接和静态链接的区别。26. 编译过程的各个阶段是什么?27. 如何找到两个无环链表的公共节点?28. 如何在无序的浮点数数组中找到中位数?29. 快速排序的原理及其优化方式。30. 列出三种智能指针及其特点。31. 解释左右值的概念。32. 描述三种特殊构造函数。33. `i++` 和 `++i` 是左值还是右值?34. 什么是完美转发?35. 右值能否取到地址?问题答案已经整理到专栏中了,关注我分享更多知识。  c++/嵌入式面经专栏-牛客网 https://www.nowcoder.com/creation/manager/columnDetail/MJNwoM
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