题解 | #自动售货系统#
如1, 2, 5, 10的个数分别是 0, 3, 1, 1
需要退钱 6 元 那么只能返回5块钱1个
是测试案例没有覆盖到? 还
是优先度 张数最少 > 正确匹配?
#include <bits/types/mbstate_t.h> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; map<string, int> nameToInt = { {"A1", 0}, {"A2", 1}, {"A3", 2}, {"A4", 3}, {"A5", 4}, {"A6", 5} }; class Good { public: string name; int price; int num = 0; Good(string name, int price, int num) { this->name = name; this->price = price; this->num = num; } void buyOne() { this->num -= 1; } // void setNum(int num) { // this->num = num; // } }; class MoneyBox { public: int num10, num5, num2, num1; MoneyBox(int num1, int num2, int num5, int num10) { this->num1 = num1; this->num2 = num2; this->num5 = num5; this->num10 = num10; } }; vector<string> split(string sentence, char target = ' ') { vector<string> ans; int left = 0; // int right = 1; int now = 0; while (now < sentence.size()) { if (sentence.at(now) == target) { // cout << left << ' ' << now << endl; ans.push_back(sentence.substr(left, now - left)); left = now + 1; now = left; continue; } now++; } // cout << left << ' ' << now << endl; ans.push_back(sentence.substr(left, now - left)); return ans; } vector<Good> inithialGood(string nums) { vector<string> num_list = split(nums, '-'); // for(auto num : num_list){ // cout << num << endl; // } Good A1 = Good("A1", 2, stoi(num_list[0])); Good A2 = Good("A2", 3, stoi(num_list[1])); Good A3 = Good("A3", 4, stoi(num_list[2])); Good A4 = Good("A4", 5, stoi(num_list[3])); Good A5 = Good("A5", 8, stoi(num_list[4])); Good A6 = Good("A6", 6, stoi(num_list[5])); vector<Good> goods; goods.push_back(A1); goods.push_back(A2); goods.push_back(A3); goods.push_back(A4); goods.push_back(A5); goods.push_back(A6); return goods; } MoneyBox initialMoneyBox(string money) { vector<string> moneys = split(money, '-'); MoneyBox moneybox = MoneyBox(stoi(moneys[0]), stoi(moneys[1]), stoi(moneys[2]), stoi(moneys[3])); return moneybox; } map<int, int> returnMoney(int money_int_left, MoneyBox& moneybox) { map<int, int> change = { {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {5, 0}, {10, 0} }; while (money_int_left >= 10) { if (moneybox.num10 > 0) { money_int_left -= 10; change.at(10) += 1; moneybox.num10 -= 1; } else { break; } } while (money_int_left >= 5) { if (moneybox.num5 > 0) { money_int_left -= 5; change.at(5) += 1; moneybox.num5 -= 1; } else { break; } } while (money_int_left >= 2) { if (moneybox.num2 > 0) { money_int_left -= 2; change.at(2) += 1; moneybox.num2 -= 1; } else { break; } } while (money_int_left >= 1) { if (moneybox.num10 > 0) { money_int_left -= 1; change.at(1) += 1; moneybox.num1 -= 1; } else { break; } } return change; } void execution(vector<string> cmd_list) { vector<Good> goods; MoneyBox moneybox = MoneyBox(0, 0, 0, 0); int money_int_left = 0; for (string cmd : cmd_list) { vector<string> cmds = split(cmd); // cout << cmds[0] << endl; if (cmds[0] == "r") { goods = inithialGood(cmds[1]); moneybox = initialMoneyBox(cmds[2]); cout << "S001:Initialization is successful" << endl; // cout << moneybox.num1 << " " << moneybox.num2 << " " << moneybox.num5 << " " << // moneybox.num10 << endl; // cout << goods[0].name << " " << goods[0].price << " " << goods[0].num << endl; } else if (cmds[0] == "p") { int money_int = stoi(cmds[1]); if (money_int != 1 && money_int != 2 && money_int != 5 && money_int != 10) { cout << "E002:Denomination error" << endl; continue; } else if (moneybox.num1 + moneybox.num2 * 2 < money_int) { if (money_int == 5 || money_int == 10) { cout << "E003:Change is not enough, pay fail" << endl; continue; } } else if (goods[0].num + goods[1].num + goods[2].num + goods[3].num + goods[4].num + goods[5].num == 0) { cout << "E005:All the goods sold out" << endl; continue; } else { money_int_left += money_int; if(money_int == 10){ moneybox.num10 += 1; }else if(money_int == 5){ moneybox.num5 += 1; }else if(money_int == 2){ moneybox.num2 += 1; }else if(money_int == 1){ moneybox.num1 += 1; } cout << "S002:Pay success,balance=" << money_int_left << endl; } } else if (cmds[0] == "b") { string good_name = cmds[1]; // if(good_name != "A1" && good_name != "A2" && good_name != "A3" && // good_name != "A4" && good_name != "A5" && good_name != "A6"){ if (nameToInt.find(good_name) == nameToInt.end()) { cout << "E006:Goods does not exist" << endl; continue; } else if (goods.at(nameToInt.at(good_name)).num == 0) { cout << "E007:The goods sold out" << endl; continue; } else if (money_int_left < goods.at(nameToInt.at(good_name)).price) { cout << "E008:Lack of balance" << endl; continue; } else { money_int_left -= goods.at(nameToInt.at(good_name)).price; goods.at(nameToInt.at(good_name)).buyOne(); cout << "S003:Buy success,balance=" << money_int_left << endl; } } else if (cmds[0] == "c") { if (money_int_left == 0) { cout << "E009:Work failure" << endl; continue; } else { map<int, int> change = returnMoney(money_int_left, moneybox); cout << "1 yuan coin number=" << change.at(1) << endl; cout << "2 yuan coin number=" << change.at(2) << endl; cout << "5 yuan coin number=" << change.at(5) << endl; cout << "10 yuan coin number=" << change.at(10) << endl; money_int_left = 0; } } else if (cmds[0] == "q") { if (cmds[1] == "0"){ for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ cout << goods.at(i).name << " " << goods.at(i).price << " " << goods.at(i).num << endl; } } else if(cmds[1] == "1"){ cout << "1 yuan coin number=" << moneybox.num1 << endl; cout << "2 yuan coin number=" << moneybox.num2 << endl; cout << "5 yuan coin number=" << moneybox.num5 << endl; cout << "10 yuan coin number=" << moneybox.num10 << endl; } }else if(cmds[0] == ""){ continue; }else{ cout << "E010:Parameter error" << endl; } } } int main() { string sentence; getline(cin, sentence); vector<string> cmd_list; cmd_list = split(sentence, ';'); // for(auto cmd : cmd_list){ // cout << cmd << endl; // } execution(cmd_list); } // 64 位输出请用 printf("%lld")