题解 | #零食类商品中复购率top3高的商品#
#1.创建临时表a保存零食类商品id和uid with a as ( select od.product_id product_id, uid from tb_product_info pi inner join tb_order_detail od on pi.product_id = od.product_id inner join tb_order_overall ov on ov.order_id = od.order_id where event_time BETWEEN date_sub((select max(event_time) from tb_order_overall),INTERVAL 89 day) and (select max(event_time) from tb_order_overall) and tag = '零食' and status = 1 ) #2.计算复购率 select repurchase_table.product_id, round(repeated_num / total_num, 3) as repurchase_rate from #repurchase_table保存复购人数 ( select product_id, (case when count(uid)>1 then count(distinct uid) else 0 end) as repeated_num from a group by product_id, uid ) repurchase_table right join #total_table总人数 ( select product_id, count(distinct uid) as total_num from a group by product_id ) total_table on repurchase_table.product_id = total_table.product_id order by repurchase_rate desc, product_id limit 3
首先是日期函数:计算日期区间用date_add(日期, interval x day/month..)和between and