题解 | #未完成率较高的50%用户近三个月答卷情况#
with zb as (select er.uid,tag,level,date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') start_month,submit_time,dense_rank() over (partition by uid order by date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') desc) rk from user_info ui,examination_info ei,exam_record er where ui.uid = er.uid and ei.exam_id = er.exam_id) select uid,start_month,count(start_month) total_cnt,count(submit_time) complete_cnt from zb where rk <= 3 and level in (6,7) and uid in (select uid from (select *,b/a avg_1,percent_rank() over(order by b/a) rk1 from (select uid,count(start_month) a ,count(start_month)-count(submit_time) b from zb where tag = "SQL" group by uid) z1) z2 where rk1 >=0.5) group by uid,start_month order by uid,start_month;