题解 | #连续两次作答试卷的最大时间窗#
with zb as (with e3 as (select uid,start_time,px,s_sum,datediff(t_a,t_i) + 1 as max_day from (select *,count(uid) over(partition by uid) s_sum,max(start_time) over(partition by uid) t_a, min(start_time) over(partition by uid) t_i from (select uid,start_time,row_number() over(partition by uid order by start_time) as px from exam_record where year(start_time) = 2021) e1) e2) select ee3.uid,max(datediff(ee4.start_time,ee3.start_time) + 1) as days_window, max(ee3.s_sum) s_sum,max(ee3.max_day) max_day from e3 as ee3,e3 ee4 where ee3.uid = ee4.uid and ee3.px + 1 = ee4.px group by ee3.uid having days_window >1) select uid,days_window,round((s_sum/max_day)*days_window,2) as avg_exam_cnt from zb group by uid order by days_window desc,avg_exam_cnt desc;