题解 | #满足条件的用户的试卷完成数和题目练习数#
-- 题目的坑是两次连续的left join,导致前一次左连接的整体再与下一个表左连接时,/ -- 若下一张表有多条记录能与第一张表的主键相关联,那么上两张表左关联的结果在与下一张表关联时 / -- 记录会翻倍,最终导致第二张表的次数统计有误 / -- 类似的,一二两张表的关联结果也会影响第三张表。 select b1.uid, b1.exam_cnt, b2.question_cnt from ( select a1.uid, count(a2.exam_id) exam_cnt from ( select t3.uid from ( select exam_id from examination_info where tag = 'SQL' and difficulty = 'hard' ) t1 inner join ( select uid,exam_id,score from exam_record ) t2 on t1.exam_id = t2.exam_id inner join ( select uid from user_info where level = 7 ) t3 on t2.uid = t3.uid group by t3.uid having avg(t2.score) >= 80 ) a1 left join ( select uid,exam_id from exam_record where submit_time >= '2021-01-01 00:00:00' and submit_time <= '2021-12-31 23:59:59' ) a2 on a1.uid = a2.uid group by a1.uid ) b1 -- 需要分开单独进行两次左关联,并把次数统计出来;最后进行内连接将两个统计结果拼接 inner join ( select a1.uid, count(a2.question_id) question_cnt from ( select t3.uid from ( select exam_id from examination_info where tag = 'SQL' and difficulty = 'hard' ) t1 inner join ( select uid,exam_id,score from exam_record ) t2 on t1.exam_id = t2.exam_id inner join ( select uid from user_info where level = 7 ) t3 on t2.uid = t3.uid group by t3.uid having avg(t2.score) >= 80 ) a1 left join ( select uid,question_id from practice_record where submit_time >= '2021-01-01 00:00:00' and submit_time <= '2021-12-31 23:59:59' ) a2 on a1.uid = a2.uid group by a1.uid ) b2 on b1.uid = b2.uid order by b1.exam_cnt, b2.question_cnt desc ;