SQL 题: 求总分排名前三的学生。
-- Create the course table CREATE TABLE course ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ); -- Create the student table CREATE TABLE student ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ); -- Create the score table CREATE TABLE score ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, course_id INT NOT NULL, stu_id INT NOT NULL, score INT NOT NULL ); -- Insert sample data into the course table INSERT INTO course (name) VALUES ('Math'), ('Science'), ('History'); -- Insert sample data into the student table INSERT INTO student (name) VALUES ('John Smith'), ('Alice Johnson'), ('Bob Davis'); -- Insert sample data into the score table INSERT INTO score (course_id, stu_id, score) VALUES (1, 1, 95), (1, 2, 88), (1, 3, 75), (2, 1, 92), (2, 2, 89), (2, 3, 78), (3, 1, 87), (3, 2, 91), (3, 3, 79);
select student.name `name`,course.name course,score.score score from score,course,student where score.stu_id=student.id and course.id=score.course_id;
要求一: 求总分最高的学生,返回学生的姓名和总分
# 1. 求解出最高总分 select SUM(score) from score group by stu_id order by SUM(score) desc limit 1; # 2. 查询出所有总分等于该值的学生id和总分 select stu.id id,SUM(score) score from student stu,score sc where stu.id=sc.stu_id group by stu.id having SUM(sc.score) = (select SUM(score) from score group by stu_id order by SUM(score) desc limit 1); # 3. 查询出总分排名第一的学生的相关信息 select stu.name name,t.score from student stu inner join ( select stu.id id,SUM(score) score from student stu,score sc where stu.id=sc.stu_id group by stu.id having SUM(sc.score) = (select SUM(score) from score group by stu_id order by SUM(score) desc limit 1) ) t where t.id=stu.id;
- 可能存在多个学生总分都是最高的
- 聚合函数必须配合group by使用
- 当使用group by时,select查询字段只能是分组列或者聚合函数
要求二: 求解单科最高的学生信息
# 1. 求解每一门课程的最高分 select course_id c_id,MAX(score) score from score group by course_id; # 2. 查询每一课得到最高分的学生信息 select sc.stu_id,c.c_id,c.score from score sc inner join ( select course_id c_id,MAX(score) score from score group by course_id ) c on sc.course_id = c.c_id and sc.score=c.score; # 3. 补充返回用户名和课程名等信息 select stu.name 学生名,course.name 课程名,c.score 单科最高分数 from ( ( score sc inner join ( select course_id c_id,MAX(score) score from score group by course_id ) c on sc.course_id = c.c_id and sc.score=c.score ) inner join student stu on sc.stu_id=stu.id ) inner join course on course.id=sc.course_id;
- 多表JOIN怎么写
要求三: 求解总分排名前三的学生信息
# 1. 查询出前三的总分 select distinct SUM(score) from score group by stu_id order by SUM(score) desc limit 3; # 2. 查询出所有总分等于该值的学生id和总分 select stu.id id,SUM(score) score from student stu,score sc where stu.id=sc.stu_id group by stu.id having SUM(sc.score) in (select distinct SUM(score) from score group by stu_id order by SUM(score) desc limit 3);