题解 | #各城市最大同时等车人数#
-- 思路:
- -- 1.对event_time,start_time,finish_time编码:event_time等车人数+1,start_time等车人数-1,finish_time and start_time is null等车人数-1
- -- 同时关联tb_get_car_record表拿到用户所在城市city,然后union all结果为临时表temp
- -- 2.对表temp使用开窗函数sum() 按照city维度分组,dt升序,diff降序统计等车人数变化情况
- -- 3.按照city分组,取每个城市同时等待的最大人数即可
-- 思路: -- 1.对event_time,start_time,finish_time编码:event_time等车人数+1,start_time等车人数-1,finish_time and start_time is null等车人数-1 -- 同时关联tb_get_car_record表拿到用户所在城市city,然后union all结果为临时表temp -- 2.对表temp使用开窗函数sum() 按照city维度分组,dt升序,diff降序统计等车人数变化情况 -- 3.按照city分组,取每个城市同时等待的最大人数即可 select city, max(waitting_unt) as max_wait_uv from ( select city, dt, sum(diff) over(partition by city,date(dt) order by dt, diff desc) as waitting_unt from ( select city, event_time as dt, order_id, 1 as diff -- 开始等待,人数+1 from tb_get_car_record where substr(event_time, 1, 7) ='2021-10' union all select r.city, o.start_time as dt, r.order_id, -1 as diff -- 顺利上车,人数-1 from tb_get_car_record r left join tb_get_car_order o on r.order_id = o.order_id where substr(o.start_time, 1, 7) ='2021-10' union all select r.city, o.finish_time as dt, r.order_id, -1 as diff -- 上车前取消,人数-1 from tb_get_car_record r left join tb_get_car_order o on r.order_id = o.order_id -- 上车前取消:start_time is null where substr(o.finish_time, 1, 7) ='2021-10' and o.start_time is null ) temp ) t group by city order by max_wait_uv, city
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