题解 | [Galadriel]#牛群的配对##C++#
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param s string字符串 * @return bool布尔型 */ //this solution is for C++ //use the stack method bool isValidPairing(string s) { // write code here stack<char> stk; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){ if(!stk.empty() && ((s[i]=='B' && stk.top()=='A')||(s[i]=='D' && stk.top()=='C'))){ //match, out and next stk.pop(); }else{ //either stk is empty or its top ele is not matched //push into the stk stk.push(s[i]); } } //check the stk, if all matched, it should be empty if(stk.empty()) return true; return false; } };#C++##栈#