题解 | #工作日各时段叫车量、等待接单时间和调度时间#
select period, count(distinct id) get_car_num, round(sum(wait_time)/count(wait_time)/60,1) avg_wait_time, round(sum(dispatch_time)/count(case when dispatch_time is not null then dispatch_time end)/60,1) avg_dispatch_time from ( select distinct a.id, case when hour(a.event_time) >=7 and hour(a.event_time) <9 then '早高峰' when hour(a.event_time) >=9 and hour(a.event_time) <17 then '工作时间' when hour(a.event_time) >=17 and hour(a.event_time) <20 then '晚高峰' when hour(a.event_time) >=20 or hour(a.event_time) <7 then '休息时间' end as period, timestampdiff(second,a.event_time,b.order_time) wait_time, case when b.finish_time is not null then timestampdiff(second,b.order_time,b.start_time) else null end dispatch_time from tb_get_car_record a left join tb_get_car_order b on a.order_id=b.order_id where dayofweek((a.event_time)) between 2 and 6 ) c group by period order by get_car_num,avg_wait_time
dayofweek((a.event_time)) between 2 and 6