题解 | #各城市最大同时等车人数#
-- 各个城市,2021年10月期间,单日最大同时等车人数 with t1 as (select city,a.uid,event_time, case when b.order_time is null then end_time when a.end_time = b.order_time and b.start_time is not null then b.start_time when a.end_time = b.order_time and b.start_time is null then b.finish_time else null end over_time from tb_get_car_record a left join tb_get_car_order b on a.uid = b.uid and a.order_id = b.order_id where substr(event_time,1,7) = '2021-10' ), t2 as (select event_time dt from t1 union all select over_time dt from t1) select city,max(wait_uv) max_wait_uv from (select city,dt,count(distinct case when follow_num = 1 then uid else null end) wait_uv from (select dt,city,uid, case when t1.event_time > dt then 0 when t1.event_time <= dt and t1.over_time >= dt then 1 when t1.over_time < dt then 0 end follow_num from t2 join t1) u group by city,dt) v group by city order by max_wait_uv,city ASC