题解 | #人民币转换#
与题目【HJ42 学英语】类似,学英语是三位拆分,本题是四位拆分 def trans(n): s=n.rjust(4,'0') l=["零","壹","贰","叁","肆","伍","陆","柒","捌","玖"] res="" for i in range(4): if i==0 and s[i]!='0': res+=l[int(s[i])]+"仟" if i==1 and s[i]!='0': res+=l[int(s[i])]+"佰" if i==2 and s[i]!='0': if s[i-1]=='0' and s[i-2]!='0': if s[i]=='1': res+="零拾" else: res+="零"+l[int(s[i])]+"拾" else: if s[i]=='1': res+="拾" else: res+=l[int(s[i])]+"拾" if i==3 and s[i]!='0': res+=l[int(s[i])] return res l=["零","壹","贰","叁","肆","伍","陆","柒","捌","玖"] z,f=input().split('.') nums=[] ans='人民币' for i in range(len(z),0,-4): a=max(0,i-4) #当起点变为复数时,取0 nums.insert(0,z[a:i]) for i in range(len(nums)): n=nums.pop(0) if len(nums)==2: ans+=trans(n)+"亿" if len(nums)==1: ans+=trans(n)+"万" if len(nums)==0 and z!='0': ans+=trans(n)+"元" if f[0]!='0': ans+=l[int(f[0])]+"角" if f[1]!='0': ans+=l[int(f[1])]+"分" if f[0]=='0' and f[1]=='0': ans+="整" print(ans)