题解 | #作答试卷得分大于过80的人的用户等级分布#
#方法一: 嵌套子查询 select level, count(level) level_cnt from ( select t1.exam_id, level, tag from ( select exam_id, level from exam_record er left join user_info ui on er.uid= ui.uid where er.submit_time is not null and er.score > 80 )t1 left join examination_info ei on t1.exam_id = ei.exam_id where tag = 'SQL' )t2 group by level order by level_cnt desc; #方法二: select ui.level, count(ui.uid) level_cnt from user_info ui where uid in ( select er.uid from examination_info ei join exam_record er using(exam_id) where ei.tag = 'SQL' and er.submit_time is not null and er.score > 80 )group by level order by level_cnt desc;