【亚马逊】Data Engineer 暑期实习生



#Data Engineer Intern https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/2338719/data-engineer-intern


邮件标题:Data Engineer实习+姓名+学校,示例:Data Engineer实习+张三+北京邮电大学


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Data Engineer Intern

Are you interested in rapidly growing business? The Amazon ATE (Analytics Technology and Engineering) team is responsible for creating core analytics tech capabilities and data engineering. It comprises of platforms development, research science, and data engineering. ATE develops scalable analytics applications and research modeling to optimize operation processes. The team standardizes and optimizes data sources and visualization efforts across geographies, builds up and maintains the online BI services and data mart.

At ATE, Data engineers, data scientists, business intelligence engineers and product managers use rigorous quantitative approaches to ensure that we target to provide high quality data tech products to our customers around the world, including India, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Singapore and MENA.

Key job responsibilities

As a Data Engineer Intern, you will be working in one of the world's largest and most complex data warehouse environments. You are expected being passionate about working with huge data sets and be someone who loves to bring datasets together to create dashboards and answer business questions. You are required to have deep expertise in creation and management of datasets. You will build data analytical solutions that will address increasingly complex business questions.

You should be expert at implementing and operating stable, scalable data flow solutions from production systems into end-user facing applications/reports. These solutions will be fault tolerant, self-healing and adaptive.

You will be working on developing solutions that provide some of the unique challenges of space, size and speed. You will implement data analytics using cutting edge analytics patterns and technologies that are inclusive of but not limited to various AWS Offerings –Redshift, S3 and RDS. You will work with partner teams to create dashboards for our customers. You are required to be detail-oriented and must have an aptitude for solving unstructured problems, and working in a self-directed environment, own tasks and drive them to completion.

Basic qualifications

•Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science, Engineering or related industry knowledge.

•Will graduate from Dec 2023 to Aug 2024

•Strong database concepts with solid knowledge of SQL, OLAP, Data Warehousing, ETL, Big Data technologies;

•Exposure to large databases, BI applications, data quality and performance tuning;

•Practical Knowledge of Linux or Unix shell scripting;

•Experience with one of coding languages like Python/Java/Shell;

•Experience in processing large volume of data;

•Excellent written and spoken communication skill in Mandarin and English.

•Can intern with us for 6 months minimum and have opportunity to be converted to full-time employee

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发布于 2023-06-26 21:53 上海


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