题解 | #未完成试卷数大于1的有效用户#
select uid, sum(if(submit_time is null,1,null)) as incomplete_cnt, sum(if(submit_time is not null,1,null)) as complete_cnt, group_concat(distinct concat_ws(':',date(start_time),tag) order by start_time separator';') as detail from exam_record as er left join examination_info as ei on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id where year(start_time) = 2021 group by uid having complete_cnt >=1 and incomplete_cnt between 2 and 4 order by incomplete_cnt desc
- 关联作答记录和试卷信息:left join examination_info as ei on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id;
- 按用户分组:group by uid
- 统计未完成试卷作答数和已完成试卷作答数:sum(if(submit_time is null,1,null)) as incomplete_cnt
- 统计完成试卷作答数和已完成试卷作答数:sum(if(submit_time is not null,1,null)) as complete_cnt
- 统计作答过的tag集合:对于每条作答tag,用:连接日期和tag:concat_ws(':', date(start_time), tag)对于一个人(组内)的多条作答,用;连接去重后的作答记录:group_concat(distinct concat_ws(':',date(start_time),tag) order by start_time separator';')
- 筛选未完成试卷作答数大于1的有效用户:
having complete_cnt >=1 and incomplete_cnt between 2 and 4