题解 | #满足条件的用户的试卷完成数和题目练习数#
# 分别统计两个记录表t1,t2,然后通过t0左连接t1,t2筛选红名大佬 select t0.uid ,ifnull(t1.exam_cnt,0) as exam_cnt ,ifnull(t2.question_cnt,0) as question_cnt from (select exam_record.uid as uid from exam_record join user_info using(uid) join examination_info using(exam_id) where difficulty="hard" and tag="SQL" and level=7 and submit_time like "2021%" group by user_info.uid having avg(score)>80) as t0 left join (select uid ,count(score) as exam_cnt from exam_record where submit_time like "2021%" group by uid) as t1 using(uid) left join (select uid ,count(score) as question_cnt from practice_record where submit_time like "2021%" group by uid) as t2 using(uid) order by exam_cnt,question_cnt desc