题解 | #kmp算法#
- 外层循环遍历了所有可能的起始位置,时间复杂度为 O(len(T)-len(S)+1)
- 内层循环遍历了字符串 S 的所有字符,时间复杂度为 O(len(S))
- 总时间复杂度为 O((len(T)-len(S)+1) * len(S)) ------------ 这里不满足题目要求
- 使用了常数个变量,空间复杂度为 O(1)
class Solution: def find(self , S: str, T: str) -> int: # write code here res = 0 # 出现的次数 for i in range(len(T)-len(S)+1): temp = T[i:i+len(S)] temp_res = 0 for j in range(len(S)): if S[j] == temp[j]: temp_res += 1 else: break if temp_res == len(S): res += 1 return res
# 最长公共前后缀,求next数组 class Solution(object): def longestCommonPrefixAndSuffix(self, strs): n = len(strs) next = [0]*n j = 0 # 要比较的下标 i = 1 # 当前的下标 while i < n: if strs[i] == strs[j]: # 如果当前值与被比较值相等 j += 1 next[i] = j i += 1 else: # 当前值与被比较值不相等 if j > 0: # 没有匹配到头j>0,j=next[j-1] j = next[j-1] elif j == 0: # 匹配到头j=0,当前值next[i] = 0 or =j, 然后当前值索引+1 next[i] = 0 i += 1 return next obj = Solution() print(obj.longestCommonPrefixAndSuffix('ababcabaa')) # [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1] # 也可以进一步改进成: # 最长公共前后缀 class Solution(object): def longestCommonPrefixAndSuffix(self, s): n = len(s) # 构建 next 数组 next = [0] * n j = 0 for i in range(1, n): while j > 0 and s[i] != s[j]: j = next[j - 1] if s[i] == s[j]: j += 1 next[i] = j print(next) obj = Solution() print(obj.longestCommonPrefixAndSuffix('ababcabaa')) # [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1]
# 计算模板串S在文本串T中出现了多少次 # @param S string字符串 模板串, 子串 # @param T string字符串 文本串, 主串 # @return int整型 class Solution: def kmp(self , S: str, T: str) -> int: # write code here '构造next数组' '''伪代码 if S[i]==S[j]: i++,j++,next[i]=j elif S[i]!=S[j] if j==0, next[i]=0=j,i++ elif j!=0, j = next[j-1] ''' j = 0 # 被比较的下标,初始化为0 next = [0]*len(S) for i in range(1, len(S)): # i循环下标,初始化为1 if S[i] == S[j]: j += 1 next[i] = j else: if j != 0: while j != 0 and S[i] != S[j]: j = next[j-1] else: next[i] = j '子串S去匹配主串T' '''伪代码 如果两个串的对应字符相等,索引都+1 如果不相等,子串的j=0时,主串的索引i+1;j不等于0时,j = next[j-1] 如果子串循环完成,次数+1,同时更新j,j = next[j-1] ''' i, j = 0, 0 res = 0 # 次数 while i < len(T): if T[i] == S[j]: i+=1 j+=1 else: if j > 0: j = next[j-1] else: # j == 0, 头一个就匹配失败 i += 1 if j == len(S): res += 1 # 出现次数+1 j = next[j-1] return res