题解 | #每个6/7级用户活跃情况#
-- 分两步 -- 1. 直接 union试卷作答和练习表,求出总月活跃和2021日活跃 -- 2. 求left join用户表、试卷作答表和练习表,以uid为group by的键来统计出21年试卷活跃次数和问题表活跃次数 with temp1 as ( select ui.uid, count(distinct date_format(c_time, '%Y-%m')) act_month_total, count(distinct case when year(c_time)='2021' then date_format(c_time, '%Y-%m-%d') else null end ) act_days_2021 from user_info ui left join ( select uid, exam_id, start_time c_time from exam_record union all select uid, question_id exam_id,submit_time c_time from practice_record ) a on a.uid = ui.uid where level in (6,7) group by ui.uid ), temp2 as ( select ui.uid, count(distinct date_format(er.submit_time, '%Y-%m-%d')) act_days_2021_exam, count(distinct date_format(pr.submit_time, '%Y-%m-%d')) act_days_2021_question from user_info ui left join exam_record er on ui.uid = er.uid and year(er.submit_time) = '2021' left join practice_record pr on pr.uid = ui.uid and year(pr.submit_time) = '2021' where level in (6,7) group by ui.uid ) select t1.*, t2.act_days_2021_exam, t2.act_days_2021_question from temp1 t1, temp2 t2 where t1.uid=t2.uid order by t1.act_month_total desc, t1.act_days_2021 desc
方法二是做题的时候一开始想到的,但是多表连接下,然后在多种情况分开讨论,加group by,做着做着思路就乱套了,考试的时候不适合这样,主要还是我的功底不佳,还需要多练习。
select a.uid, count(distinct date_format(start_time, '%Y-%m')) act_month_total, count(distinct case when year(start_time)='2021' then date_format(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d') else null end) act_days_2021, count(distinct case when year(start_time)='2021' and qtype='exam' then date_format(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d') else null end) act_days_2021_exam, count(distinct case when year(start_time)='2021' and qtype='question' then date_format(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d') else null end) act_days_2021_question from ( select uid from user_info where level in (6, 7) )a left join (select uid, exam_id, start_time, submit_time, 'exam' qtype from exam_record union all select uid, question_id exam_id, submit_time start_time, submit_time, 'question' qtype from practice_record) b on a.uid = b.uid group by a.uid order by act_month_total desc,act_days_2021 desc